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Beyond The Call: The True Story of One World…
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Beyond The Call: The True Story of One World War II Pilot's Covert Mission to Rescue POWs on the Eastern Front (origineel 2015; editie 2016)

door Lee Trimble (Auteur)

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12210231,649 (4.41)1
"Near the end of World War II, thousands of Allied ex-POWs were abandoned to wander the war-torn Eastern Front, modern day Ukraine. With no food, shelter, or supplies, they were an army of dying men. The Red Army had pushed the Nazis out of Russia. As they advanced across Poland, the prison camps of the Third Reich were discovered and liberated. In defiance of humanity, the freed Allied prisoners were discarded without aid. The Soviets viewed POWs as cowards, and regarded all refugees as potential spies or partisans. The United States repeatedly offered to help recover their POWs, but were refused. With relations between the allies strained, a plan was conceived for an undercover rescue mission. In total secrecy, the OSS chose an obscure American air force detachment stationed at a Ukrainian airfield; it would provide the base and the cover for the operation. The man they picked to undertake it was veteran 8th Air Force bomber pilot Captain Robert Trimble. With little covert training, already scarred by the trials of combat, Trimble took the mission. He would survive by wit, courage, and a determination to do some good in a terrible war. Alone he faced up to the terrifying Soviet secret police, saving hundreds of lives. At the same time he battled to come to terms with the trauma of war and find his own way home to his wife and child. One ordinary man. One extraordinary mission. A thousand lives at stake. This is the compelling, inspiring true story of an American hero who laid his life on the line to bring his fellow men home to safety and freedom. Include photos"--… (meer)
Titel:Beyond The Call: The True Story of One World War II Pilot's Covert Mission to Rescue POWs on the Eastern Front
Auteurs:Lee Trimble (Auteur)
Info:Dutton Caliber (2016), Edition: Reprint, 352 pages

Informatie over het werk

Beyond the Call: The True Story of One World War II Pilot's Covert Mission to Rescue POWs on the Eastern Front door Lee Trimble (2015)

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Carol Minnich's Father.... ( )
  mlhershey | Oct 13, 2022 |
This true story of the behind the lines heroism of an Air Force Captain called to an unfamiliar and highly dangerous duty made for a good read. This historical fiction accounting of the strained relationship between the US and the USSR demonstrates exactly what it was that made us so different from the Soviets: respect for life.
I found the book interesting, engaging, enlightening and an altogether good read. ( )
  PaulLoesch | Apr 2, 2022 |
Wow!! This man is a hero... I don't use that word often, but in this case it is true. Not only did he fly bombers in WWII, but once her reached his 35 flights he was asked to do so much more. More than he was prepared for. He was able to get hundreds of POW's back home to their families. Hero!! ( )
  foxandbooks | Aug 19, 2020 |
This true story of the behind the lines heroism of an Air Force Captain called to an unfamiliar and highly dangerous duty made for a good read. This historical fiction accounting of the strained relationship between the US and the USSR demonstrates exactly what it was that made us so different from the Soviets: respect for life.
I found the book interesting, engaging, enlightening and an altogether good read. ( )
  Paul-the-well-read | Apr 18, 2020 |
As the Red Army advanced across Poland in 1945, thousands of freed Allied POWs - viewed by the Soviets as cowards or potential spies - were abandoned to wander the war-torn Eastern Front. In total secrecy, the OSS - wartime forerunner to the CIA - conceived an undercover mission to rescue them. The man they picked to undertake it was veteran Eighth Air Force bomber pilot Captain Robert Trimble.With little covert training, Trimble survived by wit, courage, and a determination to do some good in a terrible war. Alone, he faced up to the terrifying Soviet secret police and saved hundreds of lives, fighting his own battle against the trauma of war while finding his way home to his wife and child. Based on hours of testimony from his father, Beyond the Call is written by Trimble's son and by British historian Jeremy Dronfield. It is a filmic, inspiring story of a hitherto unknown true hero.
  MasseyLibrary | Mar 9, 2018 |
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Lee Trimbleprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Dronfield, Jeremyprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Corren, DonaldVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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"Near the end of World War II, thousands of Allied ex-POWs were abandoned to wander the war-torn Eastern Front, modern day Ukraine. With no food, shelter, or supplies, they were an army of dying men. The Red Army had pushed the Nazis out of Russia. As they advanced across Poland, the prison camps of the Third Reich were discovered and liberated. In defiance of humanity, the freed Allied prisoners were discarded without aid. The Soviets viewed POWs as cowards, and regarded all refugees as potential spies or partisans. The United States repeatedly offered to help recover their POWs, but were refused. With relations between the allies strained, a plan was conceived for an undercover rescue mission. In total secrecy, the OSS chose an obscure American air force detachment stationed at a Ukrainian airfield; it would provide the base and the cover for the operation. The man they picked to undertake it was veteran 8th Air Force bomber pilot Captain Robert Trimble. With little covert training, already scarred by the trials of combat, Trimble took the mission. He would survive by wit, courage, and a determination to do some good in a terrible war. Alone he faced up to the terrifying Soviet secret police, saving hundreds of lives. At the same time he battled to come to terms with the trauma of war and find his own way home to his wife and child. One ordinary man. One extraordinary mission. A thousand lives at stake. This is the compelling, inspiring true story of an American hero who laid his life on the line to bring his fellow men home to safety and freedom. Include photos"--

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