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Red Prophet (Tales of Alvin Maker) door…
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Red Prophet (Tales of Alvin Maker) (origineel 1988; editie 1988)

door Orson Scott Card

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
3,315344,139 (3.75)30
Fantasy. Fiction. HTML:

In the first tale of Alvin Maker, Seventh Son, Orson Scott Card introduced his readers to a very familiar—but just slightly different—pioneer America where magic works. Hex signs are powerful, good and evil presences roam the land, and many people have special talents. In this thrilling sequel, Alvin Maker is awakening to many mysteries: his own strange powers, the magic of the American frontier, and the special virtues of its chosen people, the Native Americans.

Young Alvin Maker, the seventh son of a seventh son, has extraordinary talents for a white boy—he can cause stone to split smoothly under his hands, his knots never untie, he can knit bones, and he can call small animals to do his bidding. Stranger still his talents are imperceptible to the Indians, who usually hear the fire-setting of the sparks and the water-finding of the dowsers as an interruption in their music but who cannot hear Alvin at all.

Lolla-Wossiky is an Indian whose fate is closely linked with Alvin's. He's been an undignified drunk since he was eleven, when he watched white men murder his father. The black noise in his head since the death shot rang out has drowned out the green music he needs to live well, and his life is a constant search for the right balance of alcohol to still the black noise without silencing the green music—until he meets Alvin.

Soon Alvin must summon all his powers to prevent a tragic war between Native Americans and the white settlers of North America.

… (meer)
Titel:Red Prophet (Tales of Alvin Maker)
Auteurs:Orson Scott Card
Info:Tor Books (1988), Edition: 1St Edition, Hardcover, 311 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

Informatie over het werk

Rode profeet het tweede leven van Alvin Maker door Orson Scott Card (1988)

  1. 00
    Climb the Wind door Pamela Sargent (aulsmith)
    aulsmith: Another "Frontier Fantasy" with Native Americans.
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Engels (32)  Spaans (2)  Alle talen (34)
1-5 van 34 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
the story was alright.. not captivating - and the readers were both as monotone and non-affective as if they'd practiced sounding bored.
I probably wont be reading any more of the alvin books. ( )
  asl4u | Jul 21, 2024 |
DNF because the constant harping on white=evil and red=good became too tiresome.
  AMKitty | Jan 5, 2024 |
Another good one in series. LDS elements in it. Tecumseh's brother is the prophet. ( )
  kslade | Dec 8, 2022 |
Good, but heavy handed. Took half the book to get back to Alvin. ( )
  Brian-B | Nov 30, 2022 |
El Profeta Rojo continúa la narración iniciada en El séptimo hijo y se centra en los sangrientos enfrentamientos entre pieles rojas y colonos americanos. Alvin, ahora con diez años, conoce al jefe indio Ta-Kumsaw y a su hermano Tenskwa-Tawa, el gran profeta de los indígenas, y descubre con ellos la música verde de la tierra y el horror de la sangre, además de la misteriosa tela que refleja la urdimbre de la historia.
  Natt90 | Jun 30, 2022 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (12 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Card, Orson Scottprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Harrison, MarkArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
McKnight, AlanMap artistSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Nolan, DennisArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
O'Connor, DavidArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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In memory of my grandfather, Orson Rega Card
(1891-1984), whose life was saved by Indians of the Blood
tribe when he was a child on the Canadian frontier.
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Not many flatboats were getting down the Hio these days, not with pioneers aboard, anyway, not with families and tools and furniture and seed and a few shoats to start a pig herd.
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Wikipedia in het Engels (1)

Fantasy. Fiction. HTML:

In the first tale of Alvin Maker, Seventh Son, Orson Scott Card introduced his readers to a very familiar—but just slightly different—pioneer America where magic works. Hex signs are powerful, good and evil presences roam the land, and many people have special talents. In this thrilling sequel, Alvin Maker is awakening to many mysteries: his own strange powers, the magic of the American frontier, and the special virtues of its chosen people, the Native Americans.

Young Alvin Maker, the seventh son of a seventh son, has extraordinary talents for a white boy—he can cause stone to split smoothly under his hands, his knots never untie, he can knit bones, and he can call small animals to do his bidding. Stranger still his talents are imperceptible to the Indians, who usually hear the fire-setting of the sparks and the water-finding of the dowsers as an interruption in their music but who cannot hear Alvin at all.

Lolla-Wossiky is an Indian whose fate is closely linked with Alvin's. He's been an undignified drunk since he was eleven, when he watched white men murder his father. The black noise in his head since the death shot rang out has drowned out the green music he needs to live well, and his life is a constant search for the right balance of alcohol to still the black noise without silencing the green music—until he meets Alvin.

Soon Alvin must summon all his powers to prevent a tragic war between Native Americans and the white settlers of North America.


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Gemiddelde: (3.75)
1 14
1.5 1
2 40
2.5 10
3 194
3.5 40
4 258
4.5 27
5 153

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