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Special operations forces : a national capability

door Emily Spencer

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In order to expand the dialogue of Canadian Special Operations Forces and their unique range of capabilities with their partners within the defence community, the media and the Canadian public, a symposium was held at the Royal Military College of Canada in 2010. This volume represents an amalgam of the presentations and ideas that were put forward by scholars and military practitioners in order to both educate, as well as create, discourse on the subject of SOF. Beginning with the Canadian SOF legacy and how it has evolved to meet the nation's needs, it moves on to look at crucial components of force develpment and ways in which SOF help to shape the area of operations. It explores important issues such as the role of SOF as an economy of effort/economy of force option in the contemporary operating environment as well as the budding media-SOF relationship.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doornpsia, Luthien907, Performance, Ombudsman
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In order to expand the dialogue of Canadian Special Operations Forces and their unique range of capabilities with their partners within the defence community, the media and the Canadian public, a symposium was held at the Royal Military College of Canada in 2010. This volume represents an amalgam of the presentations and ideas that were put forward by scholars and military practitioners in order to both educate, as well as create, discourse on the subject of SOF. Beginning with the Canadian SOF legacy and how it has evolved to meet the nation's needs, it moves on to look at crucial components of force develpment and ways in which SOF help to shape the area of operations. It explores important issues such as the role of SOF as an economy of effort/economy of force option in the contemporary operating environment as well as the budding media-SOF relationship.

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