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Pilgrim Wheels: Reflections of a Cyclist…
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Pilgrim Wheels: Reflections of a Cyclist Crossing America (editie 2015)

door Neil Hanson (Auteur)

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259945,914 (4.09)Geen
"In 2011, at 57 years old, Neil Hanson began a 3400-mile cross-country bicycle journey, exploring an America that can only be discovered on winding backroads from the saddle of a bicycle. More than just a travelogue of a bike ride across the country, Hanson's delightful and beautifully written story takes the reader on a journey that is engaging and insightful, often hilarious, sometimes poignant, and always inspiring. It's a must-read adventure that will stir your soul"--Back cover.… (meer)
Titel:Pilgrim Wheels: Reflections of a Cyclist Crossing America
Auteurs:Neil Hanson (Auteur)
Info:High Prairie Press (2015), Edition: 1, 232 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:Journey, united states, road trip, america, travel, journal, insight

Informatie over het werk

Pilgrim Wheels: Reflections of a Cyclist Crossing America door Neil M Hanson

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I have a soft spot for books like this and this one didn't disappoint. It also sent me down the rabbit hole of the insanity that is RAAM.

I have to admit, as little as I liked carrying camping gear and loads of heavy equipment on my bike in the past, the more I read stories about riding through this part of the world, the more the Route 66 bicycle route map set calls out to me. Someday - when the Canadian dollar is worth a bit more again... ( )
  toddtyrtle | Dec 28, 2022 |
AMAZING!! First off I received this book from the author through Good Reads First reads> (I hate that I have to even say that!!) This book is not just about a cyclist making a cross country trek, It's WAY MORE!! Neil has written beautifully!! Not only does this book talk about his journey and the people he meets along the way, It reminds you to slow down, to stop and smell the roses so to speak. I learned many things about myself while reading this WONDERFUL book. Things in life often slip right past us because we are caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. I am very glad I chose this book as my vacation book. In this story you not only can vividly picture the description of the trip but you can feel the heat of the hot desert sun, hear the wind blow and feel the pain Neil felt. I could go on for days talking about this FANTASTIC book. It is certainly a book I will keep in my personal library until it falls apart or until I do one. I will reread it over and over again. Small town America is where I want to be for sure!! Thanks Neil for an OUTSTANDING read!! ( )
  JamieM12 | Aug 23, 2020 |
Deze bespreking was geschreven voorLibraryThing lid Weggevers.
"The one who tells the story rules the world." Hopi proverb
The book was a VERY surprisingly good read! The author has Great talent in taking you with him across our Beautiful Nation! For example: "Worry is such an expensive thing to accept. It's a black hole, into which enjoyment of the present moment plummets. Hard to recognize when it's sucking the joy from your soul, it's crystal clear once it passes through and departs."
That is the first paragraph that I marked, I highlighted many more, but that would have my review a chapter long! Go along for the ride from Carmel, CA to Medicine Lodge, Kansas...... You will come away with a Greater appreciation of both our Beautiful America & bicycling.... Thank you, Neil, for a pleasant journey! ( )
  duke1940 | Apr 2, 2016 |
"The one who tells the story rules the world." Hopi proverb
The book was a VERY surprisingly good read! The author has Great talent in taking you with him across our Beautiful Nation! For example: "Worry is such an expensive thing to accept. It's a black hole, into which enjoyment of the present moment plummets. Hard to recognize when it's sucking the joy from your soul, it's crystal clear once it passes through and departs."
That is the first paragraph that I marked, I highlighted many more, but that would have my review a chapter long! Go along for the ride from Carmel, CA to Medicine Lodge, Kansas...... You will come away with a Greater appreciation of both our Beautiful America & bicycling.... Thank you, Neil, for a pleasant journey! ( )
  duke1940 | Apr 2, 2016 |
A beautifully written journey, this book is slow and insightful. Reading it takes you biking through highways, the desert and mountains, and makes you feel like you're doing it yourself. It's not about a plot, characters or a story. It's not for readers who search for an eventful read. It's about being in the moment. reflecting, experiencing, understanding - just being. Very well written and inspiring. ( )
  ShirMan | Mar 26, 2016 |
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"In 2011, at 57 years old, Neil Hanson began a 3400-mile cross-country bicycle journey, exploring an America that can only be discovered on winding backroads from the saddle of a bicycle. More than just a travelogue of a bike ride across the country, Hanson's delightful and beautifully written story takes the reader on a journey that is engaging and insightful, often hilarious, sometimes poignant, and always inspiring. It's a must-read adventure that will stir your soul"--Back cover.

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