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The Girl from Everywhere door Heidi Heilig
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The Girl from Everywhere (editie 2017)

door Heidi Heilig (Auteur)

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1,0935419,316 (3.75)29
Fantasy. Historical Fiction. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

The Girl from Everywhere, the first of two books, blends fantasy, history, and a modern sensibility. Its sparkling wit, breathless adventure, multicultural cast, and enchanting romance will dazzle readers of Sabaa Tahir and Leigh Bardugo.

As the daughter of a time traveler, Nix has spent sixteen years sweeping across the globe and through the centuries aboard her father's ship. Modern-day New York City, nineteenth-century Hawaii, other lands seen only in myth and legendâ??Nix has been to them all.

But when her father gambles with her very existence, it all may be about to end. Rae Carson meets Outlander in this epic debut fantasy.

If there is a map, Nix's father can sail his ship, The Temptation, to any place and any time. But now that he's uncovered the one map he's always soughtâ??1868 Honolulu, the year before Nix's mother died in childbirthâ??Nix's life, her entire existence, is at stake. No one knows what will happen if her father changes the past. It could erase Nix's future, her dreams, her adventures . . . her connection with the charming Persian thief, Kash, who's been part of their crew for two ye… (meer)

Titel:The Girl from Everywhere
Auteurs:Heidi Heilig (Auteur)
Info:Greenwillow Books (2017), Edition: Reprint, 480 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Favorieten
Trefwoorden:Time travel, pirates

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The Girl from Everywhere door Heidi Heilig

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1-5 van 54 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Although the component parts of ‘The Girl from Everywhere’ are appealing and it features some pretty maps, the whole thing never really came together for me. I think because the narrative was most interested in teenage romance, while I was most interested in the existential implications of time travel. Several characters, including the narrator, have an extraordinary magical power, yet seem quite blasĂ© about it. The protagonist, Nix, is a teenage girl sailing the world and travelling through time with a small crew led captained by her estranged father. The relationship with her father is so bad that his sudden change in behaviour at the end of the book doesn’t make a lot of sense. After seeming not to really care about Nix at all except as a means to get back to his dead wife, suddenly his priorities shift. Given the narrow first person narration by Nix, the reasons for this are very much a mystery.

There are some interesting settings, including 1980s New York, 19th century Hawaii, and ancient China. However I didn’t feel much of a sense of tension, as it was never very clear what was at stake. The time travel and other forms of magic seemed diffuse and very convenient; they ran on belief, so there was no great cost or limitation involved. Again, it was very odd to me that no-one seemed particularly interested in exploring whether time travel could change the past, branch off alternate universes, or what. By comparison, I found the love triangle was of little interest. Nix is sixteen! Just let her kiss a cute boy without it being a massive angsty dilemma. It probably didn’t help that one of her potential love interests wasn’t at all interesting. Then again, I am probably too old and spinster-ish to be a suitable audience for that part and probably would have enjoyed the whole thing more when I was younger. It was still worth reading, though, for some spooky details and the atmospheric depiction of Hawaii on the cusp of colonialism. ( )
  annarchism | Aug 4, 2024 |
teen audio fiction (~10 hrs, or 8hrs 20min at 1.2x speed) book 1 of 2 in series; API/Hawaiian author - Nix travels with her father and crew on a time traveling ship through foggy seas--anywhere can be a destination, if they have the right map--in search of a time when her mother (who died in 19th century Hawaii when Nix was born) is alive.

fun time-traveling adventure filled with magical details--mythological creatures and all sorts of cool world-building details, plus a love triangle in which our heroine Nix is caught between her long-time friend and crewmate (and practiced thief) Kashmir and the son of a potential enemy in pre-colonial Hawaii. ( )
  reader1009 | May 4, 2024 |
The plot sounded super interesting but the characters were 2D and never jumped off the page. ( )
  libraryofemma | Apr 18, 2024 |
I was very much loving the premise of this book, but it caught the doldrums, wavering in the middle with too much stuff and not enough action. ( )
  mslibrarynerd | Jan 13, 2024 |
I absolutely loved this story of young Nix who lives aboard a pirate ship that can travel not only through space and time, but also through myth and imagination. The prose was elegant and flowing, the dialogue was both natural and oh-so-sparkly, and the scenery was simply incredible. Wherever the boat is docked, Heilig has a complete command of what she’s describing. Her research and attention to detail, her use of myths and history from around the globe - all of this comes together to weave a compelling story that is impressively evocative of fascinating times and places, even as it embraces the fantastic with beauty and charm. ( )
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
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It was the kind of August day that hinted at monsoons, and the year was 1774, though not for very much longer.
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Everything must come to an end. In every myth, paradise is meant to be lost.
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Fantasy. Historical Fiction. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

The Girl from Everywhere, the first of two books, blends fantasy, history, and a modern sensibility. Its sparkling wit, breathless adventure, multicultural cast, and enchanting romance will dazzle readers of Sabaa Tahir and Leigh Bardugo.

As the daughter of a time traveler, Nix has spent sixteen years sweeping across the globe and through the centuries aboard her father's ship. Modern-day New York City, nineteenth-century Hawaii, other lands seen only in myth and legendâ??Nix has been to them all.

But when her father gambles with her very existence, it all may be about to end. Rae Carson meets Outlander in this epic debut fantasy.

If there is a map, Nix's father can sail his ship, The Temptation, to any place and any time. But now that he's uncovered the one map he's always soughtâ??1868 Honolulu, the year before Nix's mother died in childbirthâ??Nix's life, her entire existence, is at stake. No one knows what will happen if her father changes the past. It could erase Nix's future, her dreams, her adventures . . . her connection with the charming Persian thief, Kash, who's been part of their crew for two ye

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Heidi Heilig is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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Gemiddelde: (3.75)
2 13
2.5 3
3 50
3.5 14
4 72
4.5 10
5 34


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