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A Wrestling Life: The Inspiring Stories of…
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A Wrestling Life: The Inspiring Stories of Dan Gable (editie 2015)

door Dan Gable (Auteur)

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What does it take to be an Olympic gold medalist and to coach a collegiate team to fifteen NCAA titles? In A Wrestling Life: The Inspiring Stories of Dan Gable, famed wrestler and wrestling coach Dan Gable tells engaging and inspiring stories of his childhood in Waterloo, Iowa; overcoming the murder of his sister as a teenager; his sports career from swimming as a young boy, to his earliest wrestling matches, through the 1972 Olympics; coaching at the University of Iowa from the Banachs to the Brands; life-changing friendships he made along the way; and tales of his family life off the mat. A celebration of determination, teamwork, and the persevering human spirit, A Wrestling Life captures Gable's methods and philosophies for reaching individual greatness as well as the incredible amount of fulfillment and satisfaction that comes from working as part of a team.… (meer)
Titel:A Wrestling Life: The Inspiring Stories of Dan Gable
Auteurs:Dan Gable (Auteur)
Info:University Of Iowa Press (2015), Edition: 1, 176 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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A Wrestling Life: The Inspiring Stories of Dan Gable door Dan Gable

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Wrestling-There are two wrestlers which fight in the ring. There are Olympic Games which can wrestling can also be involved. Sumo wrestling is in Japan or you can also High School in the United States.It takes stragedies and workout for your muscles. It is form of unarmed combat and it means that it can also be a training for battle. Wrestling became a popular sport even in ancient times and now practiced worldwide. Wrestling also tells the history of the ancient contest which describes it’s different styles,moves, and techniques which take a close look at the training and benifits. It takes both mental and physical health and self-esteem. It is one of the worlds oldest sports.

Opinion-I thing it had a lot of interesting facts for if you want to do this kind of sport. It is also a non-fiction book and I give it a 3 ½ star or rate. This helps kids or even adults to manage their anger or even do it for fun. ( )
  michaelp.b2 | Jun 5, 2018 |
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What does it take to be an Olympic gold medalist and to coach a collegiate team to fifteen NCAA titles? In A Wrestling Life: The Inspiring Stories of Dan Gable, famed wrestler and wrestling coach Dan Gable tells engaging and inspiring stories of his childhood in Waterloo, Iowa; overcoming the murder of his sister as a teenager; his sports career from swimming as a young boy, to his earliest wrestling matches, through the 1972 Olympics; coaching at the University of Iowa from the Banachs to the Brands; life-changing friendships he made along the way; and tales of his family life off the mat. A celebration of determination, teamwork, and the persevering human spirit, A Wrestling Life captures Gable's methods and philosophies for reaching individual greatness as well as the incredible amount of fulfillment and satisfaction that comes from working as part of a team.

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