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Shopgirls : the true story of life behind…
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Shopgirls : the true story of life behind the counter (origineel 2014; editie 2014)

door Pamela Cox, Annabel Hobley (Author.)

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23Geen1,004,420 (3.75)Geen
' Go behind the glamorous shop fronts and the glitzy shop floors of Britain's department stores... Here the hidden history is revealed.' Saga MagazineMeet the shopgirls and hear their incredible true stories of life behind the counter.In this lively and colourful history, we join shopgirl Chili Bouchier on her journey from the small ladies? department at Harrods to star of the silver screen, and experience the raw courage of John Lewis? Miss Austin during the Blitz in the West End. We follow Margaret Bondfield as she goes undercover, fiercely championing the rights of her fellow shopgirls; and stand alongside the impoverished interwar chain store assistants who stole stockings to supplement their meagre wages. And we celebrate with the art school entrepreneurs who kick-started the boutique movement of the swinging ?60s and made the shop floor their own. Here, these wonderful tales of friendship, hardship and triumph are revealed as never before.For fans of nostalgic history and memoir, includingCall the Midwife;Mollie Moran's Aprons and Silver Spoons; and The Sugar Girls… (meer)
Titel:Shopgirls : the true story of life behind the counter
Auteurs:Pamela Cox
Andere auteurs:Annabel Hobley (Author.)
Info:London : Hutchinson, 2014.
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Shopgirls: True Stories of Friendship, Hardship and Triumph From Behind the Counter door Dr. Pamela Cox (2014)

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Dr. Pamela Coxprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Hobley, Annabelprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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' Go behind the glamorous shop fronts and the glitzy shop floors of Britain's department stores... Here the hidden history is revealed.' Saga MagazineMeet the shopgirls and hear their incredible true stories of life behind the counter.In this lively and colourful history, we join shopgirl Chili Bouchier on her journey from the small ladies? department at Harrods to star of the silver screen, and experience the raw courage of John Lewis? Miss Austin during the Blitz in the West End. We follow Margaret Bondfield as she goes undercover, fiercely championing the rights of her fellow shopgirls; and stand alongside the impoverished interwar chain store assistants who stole stockings to supplement their meagre wages. And we celebrate with the art school entrepreneurs who kick-started the boutique movement of the swinging ?60s and made the shop floor their own. Here, these wonderful tales of friendship, hardship and triumph are revealed as never before.For fans of nostalgic history and memoir, includingCall the Midwife;Mollie Moran's Aprons and Silver Spoons; and The Sugar Girls

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