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Welcome to Night Vale CD: A Novel door…
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Welcome to Night Vale CD: A Novel (editie 2015)

door Joseph Fink (Auteur)

Reeksen: Welcome to Night Vale (Novel 1)

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2,8661325,171 (3.69)64
Fiction. Horror. Science Fiction. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

From the creators of the wildly popular Welcome to Night Vale podcast comes an imaginative mystery of appearances and disappearances that is also a poignant look at the ways in which we all struggle to find matter where we live.

"Hypnotic and darkly funny. . . . Belongs to a particular strain of American gothic that encompasses The Twilight Zone, Stephen King and Twin Peaks, with a bit of Tremors thrown in."—The Guardian

Located in a nameless desert somewhere in the great American Southwest, Night Vale is a small town where ghosts, angels, aliens, and government conspiracies are all commonplace parts of everyday life. It is here that the lives of two women, with two mysteries, will converge.

Nineteen-year-old Night Vale pawn shop owner Jackie Fierro is given a paper marked "KING CITY" by a mysterious man in a tan jacket holding a deer skin suitcase. Everything about him and his paper unsettles her, especially the fact that she can't seem to get the paper to leave her hand, and that no one who meets this man can remember anything about him. Jackie is determined to uncover the mystery of King City and the man in the tan jacket before she herself unravels.

Night Vale PTA treasurer Diane Crayton's son, Josh, is moody and also a shape shifter. And lately Diane's started to see her son's father everywhere she goes, looking the same as the day he left years earlier, when they were both teenagers. Josh, looking different every time Diane sees him, shows a stronger and stronger interest in his estranged father, leading to a disaster Diane can see coming, even as she is helpless to prevent it.

Diane's search to reconnect with her son and Jackie's search for her former routine life collide as they find themselves coming back to two words: "KING CITY". It is King City that holds the key to both of their mysteries, and their futures...if they can ever find it.

… (meer)
Titel:Welcome to Night Vale CD: A Novel
Auteurs:Joseph Fink (Auteur)
Info:HarperAudio (2015), Edition: Unabridged
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

Informatie over het werk

Welcome to Night Vale door Joseph Fink (Author)

  1. 31
    This Book Is Full of Spiders: Seriously, Dude, Don't Touch It (John Dies at the End) door David Wong (ShelfMonkey)
  2. 10
    Discovering Scarfolk door Richard Littler (catfantastic, Aula)
    Aula: Very similar setting of a very odd town that doesn't seem to exist on any map, filled with odd people and even odder conventions.
  3. 00
    Slice of Cherry door Dia Reeves (Aula)
    Aula: Similarly odd town in America, where weird things happen. The two sister protagonists are younger (mid-teens), there is more of a horror element rather than fantasy, but there's a similar sense of oddness as in the Nightvale books.
  4. 00
    Oddity door Sarah Cannon (Aula)
    Aula: Same kind of totally-weird-but-normalised town: in this case, zombie rabbits, face-eating spiders, puppets protecting the town, etc. Not an adult novel (reading age 10-12) but worth a read if you like Night Vale's strangeness.
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Engels (131)  Duits (1)  Alle talen (132)
1-5 van 132 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I was able to get a copy of the Night Vale novel out of the library more easily than I’d expected, probably because most Night Vale fans are wary of libraries so did not hurry to reserve it. (Whereas I cannot help being somewhat sympathetic towards the librarians.) It is rather disconcerting to read, given the seamless transposition of the podcast format into a novel. I wasn’t expecting it to work so well, but it really does. The delightful weirdness of the setting is equally well evoked in book as in podcast format. The narrative follows two women named Jackie and Diane, who both have annoyances to deal with that are connected to a mysterious man in a tan jacket carrying a deerskin suitcase. This story is regularly intercut with extracts from Cecil’s radio show, which ensure that the wider goings-on of Night Vale are also known to the reader.

I enjoyed the novel, although not as viscerally as the Night Vale live show I went to last year. The juxtaposition of the mundane with the horrifying is Night Vale’s greatest strong point and this is much in evidence here. A particular highlight for me was Diane’s office job, a lovely satire. I became quite invested in the doings of the office tarantula. I also loved the descriptions of Jackie’s mother’s house, in which Jackie struggles to find cutlery: “Who has two hot milk drawers?” There are many brilliant little asides, though, such as,

He had to have his phone with him. It was illegal for any person to not carry at all times some sort of device by which the World Government could track their location. Most people opted for a cell phone because it could also do useful things like make phone calls and attract birds. A few holdouts still preferred the old tracking collars, bulky and impossible to take off though they were.

If you enjoy the Welcome to Night Vale podcast, you will obviously enjoy this book. It complements the podcast without transcending it. If you have never heard of the Night Vale but enjoy surreal mundanity and vaguely existential musing, you will also appreciate it.

In addition, the pattern of flies on the end papers is very appealing. ( )
  annarchism | Aug 4, 2024 |
Atmospherically good, and writing to the standard of the better-written episodes. The plot didn't really start until about halfway through, at the Library, and then it moved along at a good clip.

The resolution fell flat, however---either I didn't get it, or the commentary about Troy as a type of parent was actually just trite and annoying. (Obviously I'm biased toward one of these things.) I preferred Dianne's meditations on parenthood in the first half of the book. ( )
  caedocyon | Feb 23, 2024 |
Really wanted to like this but it failed to hold my interest for unknown reasons. Will try another time. ( )
  SESchend | Feb 2, 2024 |
I liked it but I didn’t love it. I thought it dragged a little in the middle and sometimes it’s cleverness got in the way of actually enjoying the story. Having said that, I will read the next book and am definitely interested in the podcast. ( )
  cdaley | Nov 2, 2023 |
Typical Night Vale weirdness! I really enjoyed it!
I think any fan of Welcome To Night Vale would enjoy this book. ( )
  Tom.Morrison | Nov 1, 2023 |
1-5 van 132 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Fink, JosephAuteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Cranor, Jeffreyprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Baldwin, CecilVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Bittner, DanReaderSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Freund, WielandVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Plummer, ThereseVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Wandel, AndreaVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Wilson, RobArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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To Meg Bashwiner
and to Jillian Sweeney.
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The history of the town of Night Vale is long and complicated, reaching back thousands of years to the earliest indigenous people in the desert. We will cover none of it here.
Pawnshops in Night Vale work like this.
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Fiction. Horror. Science Fiction. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

From the creators of the wildly popular Welcome to Night Vale podcast comes an imaginative mystery of appearances and disappearances that is also a poignant look at the ways in which we all struggle to find matter where we live.

"Hypnotic and darkly funny. . . . Belongs to a particular strain of American gothic that encompasses The Twilight Zone, Stephen King and Twin Peaks, with a bit of Tremors thrown in."—The Guardian

Located in a nameless desert somewhere in the great American Southwest, Night Vale is a small town where ghosts, angels, aliens, and government conspiracies are all commonplace parts of everyday life. It is here that the lives of two women, with two mysteries, will converge.

Nineteen-year-old Night Vale pawn shop owner Jackie Fierro is given a paper marked "KING CITY" by a mysterious man in a tan jacket holding a deer skin suitcase. Everything about him and his paper unsettles her, especially the fact that she can't seem to get the paper to leave her hand, and that no one who meets this man can remember anything about him. Jackie is determined to uncover the mystery of King City and the man in the tan jacket before she herself unravels.

Night Vale PTA treasurer Diane Crayton's son, Josh, is moody and also a shape shifter. And lately Diane's started to see her son's father everywhere she goes, looking the same as the day he left years earlier, when they were both teenagers. Josh, looking different every time Diane sees him, shows a stronger and stronger interest in his estranged father, leading to a disaster Diane can see coming, even as she is helpless to prevent it.

Diane's search to reconnect with her son and Jackie's search for her former routine life collide as they find themselves coming back to two words: "KING CITY". It is King City that holds the key to both of their mysteries, and their futures...if they can ever find it.


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Gemiddelde: (3.69)
0.5 1
1 23
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2 36
2.5 9
3 110
3.5 29
4 190
4.5 14
5 117

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