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Email Marketing: Using Email to Reach Your Target Audience and Build Customer Relationships

door Jim Sterne

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The most powerful tool for marketing, branding, direct response, and building customer relationships is email. It's cheap, easy-to-use, and almost everybody on the Internet has an email address. The only problem is that not everyone knows how to use it correctly. Sending out a bad email not only discourages potential customers but can also damage your brand and your reputation. Written by the leading experts on Internet direct marketing and permission email marketing, this book arms you with the latest email strategies and techniques to help you dramatically improve response rates and forge lasting customer relationships. The authors provide a comprehensive introduction to what email marketing is and how it can be used to reach a larger group of people at a lower cost. You'll discover the ins and outs of creating an effective email marketing strategy and how it can play a significant role with your customers. And you'll find a collection of valuable templates that will help you get started immediately! This book takes you step-by-step through the process of creating a successful permission email marketing campaign. Inside, you'll learn how to: Develop a campaign strategy Write an email masterpiece Reach your target audience Enhance a campaign for a better response rate Measure the success of email marketing strategies Advertise on other people's electronic newsletters Host your own discussion group… (meer)
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The most powerful tool for marketing, branding, direct response, and building customer relationships is email. It's cheap, easy-to-use, and almost everybody on the Internet has an email address. The only problem is that not everyone knows how to use it correctly. Sending out a bad email not only discourages potential customers but can also damage your brand and your reputation. Written by the leading experts on Internet direct marketing and permission email marketing, this book arms you with the latest email strategies and techniques to help you dramatically improve response rates and forge lasting customer relationships. The authors provide a comprehensive introduction to what email marketing is and how it can be used to reach a larger group of people at a lower cost. You'll discover the ins and outs of creating an effective email marketing strategy and how it can play a significant role with your customers. And you'll find a collection of valuable templates that will help you get started immediately! This book takes you step-by-step through the process of creating a successful permission email marketing campaign. Inside, you'll learn how to: Develop a campaign strategy Write an email masterpiece Reach your target audience Enhance a campaign for a better response rate Measure the success of email marketing strategies Advertise on other people's electronic newsletters Host your own discussion group

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