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Dork Diaries 9: Tales from a Not-So-Dorky…
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Dork Diaries 9: Tales from a Not-So-Dorky Drama Queen (Volume 9) (origineel 2015; editie 2015)

door Rachel Renee Russell (Auteur)

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1,185717,393 (4.13)Geen
Nikki's diary is up to the month of April, and springtime is sure to bring more wacky adventures with Nikki and her friends Chloe, Zoey, and Brandon!.
Titel:Dork Diaries 9: Tales from a Not-So-Dorky Drama Queen (Volume 9)
Auteurs:Rachel Renee Russell (Auteur)
Info:Aladdin (2015), Edition: Illustrated, 352 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

Informatie over het werk

Dagboek van een Muts : Avonturen van een Niet-Zo-Suffe Drama Queen door Rachel Renee Russell (2015)

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Oh so superficial and not to be read by anyone over fifteen. I'm too jaded to enjoy the art and simplicity of her stereotypical characters. My eight-year old loves it -- all 331 pages of teen drivel. ( )
  Reyesk9 | Sep 23, 2019 |
My seven and a half year-old daughter loves the Dork Diaries series. My son also loved them when he was younger but I never read any of the books myself. I bought this one for my daughter at the school book fair and we decided to read it together – meaning I read it out loud to her.

This is the ninth book in the series but it easily stands alone. Nikki writes all about her and her friends’ middle school drama in her diary. The entries are punctuated with cute illustrations of Nikki and other people.

The drama in this particular book is two-fold. One, there is a rumor going around school that the only reason Nikki’s crush Brandon kissed her is because someone dared him with the promise of pizza from Queasy Cheesy if he did it.

Secondly, midway through the book, Nikki’s arch nemesis Mackenzie steals Nikki’s diary and starts writing her own entries in it! I thought this was a clever way for Mackenzie to have a turn at first person narration without having to deviate from the premise that we are reading Nikki’s diary.

I’m glad Neve and I read this together because as Nikki would say, OMG. Nikki and Mackenzie are so mean to each other in both words and actions. Especially in words. As we read, Neve and I talked about how mean their words were and how it’s not nice to speak to other people that way. So for I haven’t noticed her using any of Nikki or Mackenzie’s insults on her brothers. Fingers crossed! If it becomes a problem, then I probably won’t let her keep reading the books.

When Mackenzie takes over the diary, we learn that her life as the spoiled daughter of super rich parents isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. And hearing Mackenzie’s side of the story of things that have transpired between her and Nikki shows that Nikki isn’t perfect either. Of course, she’s still way nicer than Mackenzie!

I think this book might teach readers some empathy, especially for Mackenzie, but mostly it’s just a fun read. I was surprised how invested in the story I became. I had to know if the rumor about Brandon was true! Dork Diaries may not be destined to be a literary classic but it held my ADHD daughter’s attention for 45 minute stretches at a time when we sat at the gym while her brother had his gymnastics lesson. That’s saying something! ( )
  mcelhra | May 2, 2018 |
I highly recommend this to kids from 14 below who are interested on keeping a diary. There are available questions to fill up and I think that this is great idea not only to save time but, kids will learn more about themselves while answering them. ( )
  fugou | Aug 14, 2017 |
This book is about a girl named Nikki. And, her enemy, Mackenzie Hollister. Mackenzie steals Nikki's diary and writes in it. And Mackenzie tries to take revenge on Nikki by sabotaging Nikki's website called "Mrs.Know-it-All". But luckily, Nikki and her friends help save Nikki's website just in time. And lucky for Nikki, Mackenzie transfers to a new school. And, hopefully Mackenzie will not bother them ever again.

This book was so funny and exciting. I am glad I got be have such an adventure reading this book. I love these series so there was no doubt I wouldn't love this book. And it was very interesting to learn a little more about Mackenzie's personal life, with all of her right and wrong turns through this book. I loved this book a lot. I hope it will bring joy to other people as it did to me. ( )
  JuliaM.BG3 | Sep 14, 2016 |
The story is about a girl name Nikki and someone stole her diary!
Her enemy, Mackenzie did it! Mackenzie read her diary too with all of her secrets!
She makes the diary look like its her's by putting new fabric on it.
Mackenzie thinks that she should go to a new, private school and run away with Nikki's diary!
Will Nikki ever find her diary?!

What i think about the book is that it is a good book with adventure and humor.
But Mackenzie should of been nice and gave Nikki's diary back instead of stealing it and reading it.
Maybe in one book, Nikki and Mackenzie will become friends.
I think maybe that Nikki and Mackenzie should call it truce.
And that is my opinion on this book.

My opinion on this book is that this book is the best!!! ( )
  amariyanna.tb1 | Sep 6, 2016 |
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Nikki's diary is up to the month of April, and springtime is sure to bring more wacky adventures with Nikki and her friends Chloe, Zoey, and Brandon!.

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