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Amazing X-rays: Pets

door David George Gordon

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The exciting Amazing X-rays series is like nothing else on the market. The innovative packaging features a working button on the cover that showcases the book's exclusive built-in light box technology. Each book in the series also includes an assortment of 16 acetate X-rays packed in a lab envelope. To see the kinds of details doctors and veterinarians see, kids simply clip on an X-ray and press a button to light up the images. Before their eyes, hidden bone structures and body mechanics are revealed! Friendly, informative text explains each X-ray, while colorful images, photographs, and illustrations throughout the 40-page book support further study.Learn more about the animals you love! Amazing X-rays: Pets offers kids a new perspective on cats, dogs, lizards, and other popular pets!… (meer)
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The exciting Amazing X-rays series is like nothing else on the market. The innovative packaging features a working button on the cover that showcases the book's exclusive built-in light box technology. Each book in the series also includes an assortment of 16 acetate X-rays packed in a lab envelope. To see the kinds of details doctors and veterinarians see, kids simply clip on an X-ray and press a button to light up the images. Before their eyes, hidden bone structures and body mechanics are revealed! Friendly, informative text explains each X-ray, while colorful images, photographs, and illustrations throughout the 40-page book support further study.Learn more about the animals you love! Amazing X-rays: Pets offers kids a new perspective on cats, dogs, lizards, and other popular pets!

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