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Built to Win: Inside Stories and Leadership…
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Built to Win: Inside Stories and Leadership Strategies from Baseball's Winningest GM (editie 2006)

door John Schuerholz, Larry Guest

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In 2005, the Atlanta Braves won their unprecedented 14th straight National League East title. Behind this success has been the genius of John Schuerholz, whose anti-Moneyball philosophies kept the Braves among the elite teams in baseball for over a decade. Now, Schuerholz reveals everything from how the Braves traded for Barry Bonds in the early '90s to dealing with John Rocker's hateful comments in 1999 to losing pitchers Greg Maddux and Tom Glavine to the recent acquisition of superstar Tim Hudson, and, against all odds, how he helped keep the Braves at the top of the baseball mountain. Offering a candid view inside one of the most incredible minds in all sports, this book will make baseball fans look at the game in a whole new way.--From publisher description.… (meer)
Titel:Built to Win: Inside Stories and Leadership Strategies from Baseball's Winningest GM
Auteurs:John Schuerholz
Andere auteurs:Larry Guest
Info:Grand Central Publishing (2006), Edition: First Edition, Hardcover, 288 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Built to Win: Inside Stories and Leadership Strategies from Baseball's Winningest GM door John Schuerholz

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John Schuerholzprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Costas, BobVoorwoordSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Guest, LarrySecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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In 2005, the Atlanta Braves won their unprecedented 14th straight National League East title. Behind this success has been the genius of John Schuerholz, whose anti-Moneyball philosophies kept the Braves among the elite teams in baseball for over a decade. Now, Schuerholz reveals everything from how the Braves traded for Barry Bonds in the early '90s to dealing with John Rocker's hateful comments in 1999 to losing pitchers Greg Maddux and Tom Glavine to the recent acquisition of superstar Tim Hudson, and, against all odds, how he helped keep the Braves at the top of the baseball mountain. Offering a candid view inside one of the most incredible minds in all sports, this book will make baseball fans look at the game in a whole new way.--From publisher description.

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