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Global Perspectives on E-Learning: Rhetoric and Reality

door Alison A. Carr-Chellman

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`This is indeed a disturbing, informative and readable book. I commend it warmly to those who may wish to find out about developments in e-learning around the world; to those who have consciences which will be disturbed by much of what is highlighted and summarised here; to those willing to re-examine their optimism about the potential and implications of e-learning; and to those similarly willing to re-consider their pessimism. Buy it, read it, re-read it, question - and keep seeking answers′ - John Cowan Visiting Professor, Educational Development Unit, Napier University, British Journal Educational Technology Global Perspectives on E-Learning presents several international case studies of online education written by authorities on e-learning and discusses the rhetoric that surrounds this form of teaching and learning. Illustrative sase studies from Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and Australasia are provided.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorctse, wasshitch, oque, METAlibrary, jratcliffe
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`This is indeed a disturbing, informative and readable book. I commend it warmly to those who may wish to find out about developments in e-learning around the world; to those who have consciences which will be disturbed by much of what is highlighted and summarised here; to those willing to re-examine their optimism about the potential and implications of e-learning; and to those similarly willing to re-consider their pessimism. Buy it, read it, re-read it, question - and keep seeking answers′ - John Cowan Visiting Professor, Educational Development Unit, Napier University, British Journal Educational Technology Global Perspectives on E-Learning presents several international case studies of online education written by authorities on e-learning and discusses the rhetoric that surrounds this form of teaching and learning. Illustrative sase studies from Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and Australasia are provided.

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