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The Economics of Inequality door Thomas…
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The Economics of Inequality (editie 2015)

door Thomas Piketty (Auteur), Arthur Goldhammer (Vertaler)

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325583,202 (3.32)6
"Thomas Piketty wrote The Economics of Inequality as an introduction to the conceptual and factual background necessary for interpreting changes in economic inequality over time. Piketty begins by explaining how inequality evolves and how economists measure it. In subsequent chapters, he explores variances in income and ownership of capital and the variety of policies used to reduce these gaps. Along the way, with characteristic clarity and precision, he introduces key ideas about the relationship between labor and capital, the effects of different systems of taxation, the distinction between 'historical' and 'political' time, the impact of education and technological change, the nature of capital markets, the role of unions, and apparent tensions between the pursuit of efficiency and the pursuit of fairness"--Provided by publisher.… (meer)
Titel:The Economics of Inequality
Auteurs:Thomas Piketty (Auteur)
Andere auteurs:Arthur Goldhammer (Vertaler)
Info:Belknap Press: An Imprint of Harvard University Press (2015), Edition: Translation, 160 pages
Verzamelingen:Still to Finish, Government, Teen Books, Jouw bibliotheek, Verlanglijst, Aan het lezen, Te lezen, Gelezen, maar niet in bezit, Favorieten

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The Economics of Inequality door Thomas Piketty

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There was a lot of interesting stuff in this very short book. But the writing was hard to parse and get into. Would be interesting to read something that explored this stuff in more engaging prose. ( )
  hamboardman | Sep 24, 2022 |
I’m not really a Pikety fan in general, but this was a decent basic introduction to standard economics around income redistribution — not the desire for it so much as the costs and benefits of various forms. The big compelling case is that income redistribution by taxing and then subsidizing is superior to minimum wage or other mechanisms, and that issues such as percentage of income going to capital vs labor are nontrivial to modify. I’d probably recommend this book to anyone with at least a basic knowledge of economics who is interested in this question. ( )
  octal | Jan 1, 2021 |
  rhaddad2 | Sep 4, 2020 |
This is briefer and less descriptive or definitive than what I expected. It is strictly an economist’s discussion and poses all in questions. Lots of graphs and statistics which don’t interest me. Learned just a couple of things. Piketty is dialoging about income re-distribution (natural or engineered) and the notion of ‘effiecient’ wage inequalities. He also seems to be challenging the capital/labor equation. I think he is trying to re-define labor as a type of capital. ( )
  2wonderY | Dec 19, 2017 |
A discussion of the difficulties of measuring economic inequality and the difficulties of reducing EI in practice. For the 'Professor Gruber' in us all. Not for a beginning economics student. ( )
  4bonasa | Jan 12, 2016 |
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Wikipedia in het Engels (1)

"Thomas Piketty wrote The Economics of Inequality as an introduction to the conceptual and factual background necessary for interpreting changes in economic inequality over time. Piketty begins by explaining how inequality evolves and how economists measure it. In subsequent chapters, he explores variances in income and ownership of capital and the variety of policies used to reduce these gaps. Along the way, with characteristic clarity and precision, he introduces key ideas about the relationship between labor and capital, the effects of different systems of taxation, the distinction between 'historical' and 'political' time, the impact of education and technological change, the nature of capital markets, the role of unions, and apparent tensions between the pursuit of efficiency and the pursuit of fairness"--Provided by publisher.

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