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Fantasy Lover door Sherrilyn Kenyon
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Fantasy Lover (editie 2002)

door Sherrilyn Kenyon

Reeksen: Dark-Hunter Universe (1), Dark-Hunter (prequel 2)

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3,6591063,594 (3.88)116
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Dear Reader,
Being trapped in a bedroom with a woman is a grand thing. Being trapped in hundreds of bedrooms over two thousand years isn't. And being cursed into a book as a love-slave for eternity can ruin even a Spartan warrior's day.
/> As a love-slave, I know everything about women. How to touch them, how to savor them, and most of all, how to pleasure them. But when I was summoned to fulfill Grace Alexander's sexual fantasies, I found the first woman in history who saw me as a man with a tormented past. She alone bothered to take me out of the bedroom and onto the world. She taught me to love again.
But I was not born to love. I was cursed to walk eternity alone. As a general, I had long ago accepted my sentence. Yet now I have found Grace—the one thing my wounded heart cannot survive without. Sure, love can heal all wounds, but can it break a two-thousand-year-old curse?
Julian of Macedon

.… (meer)
Titel:Fantasy Lover
Auteurs:Sherrilyn Kenyon
Info:St. Martin's Paperbacks (2002), Edition: 0, Mass Market Paperback, 352 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Fantasy Lover door Sherrilyn Kenyon

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this series was my go to in highschool still love these books
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
Fantasy lover è in assoluto uno dei romanzi più divertenti che abbia mai letto nella mia vita. E' uno di quei romanzi che ti fanno ridere ad alta voce e ti fanno guadagnare occhiatacce da chi pensa che tu sia pazza.

Julian di Macedonia è bello, sexy, disponibile e soprattutto ha la battuta pronta. Vi ricorderete per tutta la vita la sua prima lezione di guida!

Gli mise la mano sul cambio al centro della macchina e gli mostrò come muoverla su e giù.
«Sai, non dovresti maneggiare quella cosa di fronte a me, Grace. È crudele.»
«Julian! Ti dispiace? Sto solo cercando di mostrarti come usare la leva.»
Lui sbuffò. «Mi piacerebbe che tu usassi in questo modo la mia, di leva.»
Grace gli ringhiò contro.

Dall'altra parte, Grace ha alla spalle una brutta esperienza con un ragazzo e non ha nessuna intenzione di usare Julian come è stata usata lei in passato. Quindi nonostante Julian smani e ci provi, Grace incrocia le gambe.

Il tutto contornato con personaggi secondari che ritroveremo più avanti nella serie. Prima su tutti Selene, matta come un cavallo, ma disposta a tutto per aiutare le amiche. E poi vediamo anche Sunshine, protagonista de L'abbraccio della notte.

Prequel della serie Dark Hunter, non potete davvero perdervelo se amate il paranormal romance! ( )
  lasiepedimore | Aug 1, 2023 |
This romance is pretty much what you might expect from its title. I had to suspend my disbelief multiple times, but I still enjoyed this one overall and look forward to continuing the series. ( )
  wagner.sarah35 | Mar 26, 2023 |
La extraña maldición que pesa sobre Julian de Macedonia desde hace 2.000 años le ha condenado a pasar la eternidad atrapado en un libro hasta que una mujer le invoque para satisfacer sus deseos. Esclavo sexual, al fin y al cabo, Julian ha tenido mucho tiempo para perfeccionar sus habilidades y es capaz de hacer realidad las fantasías más secretas de cualquier mujer para proporcionarle un placer inimaginable. Pero cuando Julian es convocado para ser el amante de Grace Alexander durante un mes, descubre en ella a la mujer capaz de hacer realidad un sueño oculto: un amor que llene el vacío de su corazón y, quizá, sea capaz de poner fin a la maldición.
  Natt90 | Dec 9, 2022 |
Fantasy Lover is the first full-length novel by Sherrilyn Kenyon that I have read, and I absolutely loved it. It was packed with thoroughly romantic moments and beautiful sensuality that was sheer perfection for me, and that was even without the hero and heroine actually having sex until the very end of the book. I consider myself to be a very girly girl, and I find that Ms. Kenyon's writing style has a very feminine quality that is very appealing to me. I like the balance that she finds between the serious side of life and finding humor even in dark circumstances. I thought that the use of Greek gods and goddesses as secondary characters was a very unique element that made me want to go brush up on my knowledge of Greek mythology. Some people seemed to think that the ending was too rushed, and while I could in some ways see where they're coming from, I really didn't mind. For me it was full of unexpected twists and turns that engaged my attention so much that I completely lost track of time.

I loved both Grace and Julian. They were just as perfect for me as the story was as a whole. Julian is the classic tortured hero, completely gorgeous on the outside but feeling unworthy of true love because of his past. Grace was just as sweet as could be and very relatable for me. While some readers thought her to be weak because of her tender-heartedness, I thought that she had a quiet inner strength and determination that was endearing. What I liked most about Grace and Julian's relationship is how they gave so freely and unselfishly to each other. When Julian sold his most precious possession to replace Grace's most precious possessions that were destroyed, my heart just did flip-flops. Also, being the book lover that I am, I thoroughly enjoyed the scenes where Julian derives so much pleasure from Grace reading to him. Sometimes it's just the little things that make a character or a story special for me. I know I probably sound like a gushing fan-girl, but I really did love this book, and can't wait to read more of the Dark-Hunter series. I borrowed this book from the library, but I will definitely be getting my own copy to place on my keeper shelf. It is very rare for me to place an author among my favorites when I have read so few of their works (I've only read one other novella by her), but I relate to Sherrilyn Kenyon's writing style so much, I couldn't imagine that I wouldn't enjoy almost anything she's written. ( )
  mom2lnb | Oct 8, 2022 |
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As always, this is for my wonderful family who supports me unreservedly.

For Nancy Yost, who believed in an idea that was completely different, and for all the faith you had, and encouragement you gave.

Jennifer Enderlin and Kim Cardascia for sharing my vision, and allowing me to explore the outer reaches of my imagination.

For my friends who are always there to share my laughter and my pain: Rickey Mallory, Celeste Bradley, Cheryl Lewellyn , Valerie Walton, Diana Hillock, Rebecca Baum, and Kim Jones (thanks for the psychologist insights). And for Lisa Rich, who was the original Moon Mistress.

And most of all, to you, the reader, for wanting to take a stroll with me on the Wild Side, where with a little faith, imagination, and love, all things are possible.

Hugs to all!
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Dear Reader,
Being trapped in a bedroom with a woman is a grand thing. Being trapped in hundreds of bedrooms over two thousand years isn't. And being cursed into a book as a love-slave for eternity can ruin even a Spartan warrior's day.
As a love-slave, I know everything about women. How to touch them, how to savor them, and most of all, how to pleasure them. But when I was summoned to fulfill Grace Alexander's sexual fantasies, I found the first woman in history who saw me as a man with a tormented past. She alone bothered to take me out of the bedroom and onto the world. She taught me to love again.
But I was not born to love. I was cursed to walk eternity alone. As a general, I had long ago accepted my sentence. Yet now I have found Grace—the one thing my wounded heart cannot survive without. Sure, love can heal all wounds, but can it break a two-thousand-year-old curse?
Julian of Macedon


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