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Bandits door Eric J Hobsbawm
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Bandits (editie 2001)

door Eric J Hobsbawm

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467155,113 (3.46)4
First published in 1969, this little book provoked a whole new field of historical study: bandit history. This substantially revised and expanded new edition brings the book up to the present day, when the disintegration of state power has brought back banditry to many parts of the world. From the Balkan haiduks, to the Indian dacoits to the Peruvian congaceiros banditry has been mythologised in legend and song across the globe. In Bandits Eric Hobsbawm tells the dramatic story of these men, their violent and action-packed lives, and bloody deaths. But who were these bandits? Were they really champions of social justice as was claimed? What qualities did they possess to make them unique? What was their place within the economic and political framework? And why did characters such as Robin Hood and Jesse James become known throughout the world? These questions and many others are answered in this fascinating, fast-paced history of myth and reality.… (meer)
Auteurs:Eric J Hobsbawm
Info:ABACUS (LITT) (2001), Paperback, 240 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Bandieten door Eric Hobsbawm

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I finally finished Eric Hobsbawn's classic work on agrarian bandits whose role as social rebels comes mostly from fiction rather than historical reality. Robin Hood, Wilhelm Tell and Zorro are not based on historic examples. Bandits were bandits. The backwardness and lack of civil society in agricultural societies made law enforcement very expensive. Peasants were always vulnerable to the hit-and-run tactics of bandits and were thus forced into a grudging acceptance of some predation. What is commendable is the incredible world-wide sourcing of bandit stories by Hobsbawn with examples from Latin America, China, India, Ukraine, Spain, Eastern Europe ... The overall message is mixed though: The social rebel Hobsbawn went out to discover does not actually exist in reality. The criminals are criminals not because they hold a grudge against "the man" but because crime looks attractive as a career in their view. It is probably the human desire for a good story that turns common criminals into the tragic heroes of ballads. ( )
1 stem jcbrunner | Mar 31, 2013 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (37 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Eric Hobsbawmprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Hoffsten, OlofVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Schultz, MonicaArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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First published in 1969, this little book provoked a whole new field of historical study: bandit history. This substantially revised and expanded new edition brings the book up to the present day, when the disintegration of state power has brought back banditry to many parts of the world. From the Balkan haiduks, to the Indian dacoits to the Peruvian congaceiros banditry has been mythologised in legend and song across the globe. In Bandits Eric Hobsbawm tells the dramatic story of these men, their violent and action-packed lives, and bloody deaths. But who were these bandits? Were they really champions of social justice as was claimed? What qualities did they possess to make them unique? What was their place within the economic and political framework? And why did characters such as Robin Hood and Jesse James become known throughout the world? These questions and many others are answered in this fascinating, fast-paced history of myth and reality.

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Gemiddelde: (3.46)
1 3
2 1
3 12
3.5 1
4 12
5 5

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