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The beast : a novel of the Black Dagger…
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The beast : a novel of the Black Dagger Brotherhood (editie 2016)

door J. R. Ward

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8022428,691 (4.15)16
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:Fan favorite couple Rhage and Mary return in this gripping novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling Black Dagger Brotherhood series.
Nothing is as it used to be for the Black Dagger Brotherhood. The slayers of the Lessening Society are stronger than ever, preying on human weakness to acquire more money, more weapons, more power. But as the Brotherhood readies for an all-out attack on them, one of their own fights a battle within himself...
For Rhage—the Brother with the biggest appetites, but also the biggest heart—life was supposed to be perfect. Or at the very least, perfectly enjoyable. But he can’t understand or control the panic and insecurity that plague him. Terrified, he must reassess his priorities after suffering a mortal injury. And the answer, when it comes to him, rocks his—and his beloved Mary’s—world...
… (meer)
Titel:The beast : a novel of the Black Dagger Brotherhood
Auteurs:J. R. Ward
Info:New York, New York : New American Library, [2016]
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Beast door J. R. Ward

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Ebbene, in ritardo di molti mesi (ma ormai quest’anno credo di aver perso da parecchio la possibilità di rimettermi in pari con le recensioni), vi scrivo il mio delirio sul quattordicesimo libro della Confraternita del Pugnale Nero. Sì, avete letto bene, nonostante il considerevole numero di volumi, sono ancora qui a bramarne ancora…

The Beast torna a parlare di uno dei Fratelli più amati, Rhage, e della sua Mary, che da qualche tempo non sono più in perfetta sintonia, sebbene ci mettano un po’ a capirlo. Mamma mia, gente, mi ero dimenticata di quanto fosse romantico e sdolcinato Rhage! Sembra proprio un enorme cagnone bisognoso di coccole…

Il problema che sorge tra di loro è quello dei figli: Mary non può averne e, come sappiamo, loro due possono stare insieme proprio per questo motivo. Devo dire che Zia Ward si è mossa ancora una volta molto bene, ribadendo il concetto che il desiderio di avere dei figli può essere feroce e mettere in crisi una coppia solida, ma che non è affatto universale (vedesi Vishous e Jane).

I figli sono importanti anche in relazione al trio Layla-Qhuinn-Blay: finalmente abbiamo il parto e, in tutta sincerità, è stata l’unica parte del libro che mi ha convinta poco… soprattutto perché la necessità letteraria (il quindicesimo libro sarà proprio quello di Layla e Xcor) è troppo scoperta, ma anche perché continua l’uso ad minchiam dei poteri di Payne…

E, a proposito di Xcor… io non so davvero come Zia Ward riuscirà a sistemare il casino nel quale si è andata a infilare… qualche indizio c’è già in The Beast, ma spero davvero che il signorino peni un bel po’ prima di essere accettato, visto tutto quello che ha combinato finora…

Altro bel casino da sistemare è quello di Assail, che ormai ha preso una pericolosa china verso l’autodistruzione: la presa dalla cocaina si fa sempre più stretta, tanto che ormai è evidente a tutti (tranne al diretto interessato). Questo tuttavia non impedisce ad Assail di fare il ragazzaccio e ho letteralmente adorato la tensione sessuale che si viene a creare tra lui e Throe: il primo parecchio divertito dall’idea di giocare con una morale sessuale eterocentrica, il secondo decisamente poco a suo agio di fronte al suo desiderio per un altro maschio.

Si vociferava che Throe sarebbe finito con Saxton, ma adesso non mi dispiacerebbe vederlo con Assail (con buona pace di Sola)… tanto più che l’incontro tra Throe e Saxton non sembra aver scatenato chissà quali fantasie…

In tutto questo bailamme, poi, Zia Ward ha pensato bene di introdurre un nuovo personaggio – Jo – una pre-trans dispersa nel mondo degli umani. Il misterioso vampiro inseminatore di umane è tornato a colpire ancora…

Infine, due parole su Lassiter, del quale in The Beast annusiamo il ruolo decisamente preminente in futuro (sarebbe un mega-spoiler scrivere perché, ma non vedo davvero l’ora che tutti lo scoprano, soprattutto Vishous!) ( )
  lasiepedimore | Sep 19, 2023 |
I loved the story. I still hate Mary with a gut-wrenching person, but the story was sweet. I really hope that everything works out for the little family. Onward and outward to blood vow next. ( )
  Morgie99 | Jul 7, 2023 |
Love Rhage and Mary, Bitty and The Beast. This is their story and it is fantastic. Of course, added to the story is more on the traitor Throe, and the drama of Assail and his startling discovery, enlisting help from Zsadist. Somehow I stayed up ALL night and into the next day reading. Could not put it down - It did not disappoint. Whew. ( )
  GGmaSheila | May 2, 2023 |
I felt the beginning dragged a little bit, but once it got rolling I really had a hard time putting it down. ( )
  KayleeWin | Apr 19, 2023 |
[b:The Beast|25293695|The Beast (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #14)|J.R. Ward||45020928] by [a:J.R. Ward|20248|J.R. Ward|]
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense
5 Stars

There are parts that are that I absolutely loved.
Believe it or not, most of those parts were NOT about Rhage & Mary.

Nope, it was the parts about Assail that I found to be spectacular.
His drug dealing and addiction was put out on display. He had that moment of truly seeing himself. Oh, and the cloak-and-dagger parts with him working for Wrath, the king...

There is a lot that happens in this one. Too much to really give each element its due. So I am just going to say;

âś… The Rhage/Mary parts are good and real page turners.
âś… Layla, Quinn, Blay and Xcor all have parts that give you a gasp or two.
âś… Z and V also have some intriguing moments.
âś… There are some new characters brought in, and towards the end, one of them makes you
sit up and say,"Oh Sh**!"

Can't wait for the next book in this and the new spin off series, Black Dagger Legacy. ( )
  bodebeabay | Sep 25, 2022 |
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“Rhage! You have a dragon! A pet dragon! I got to rub his tummy!”
"Life didn't have to be perfect...for true love to exist in it"
She was the watch on his wrist, the roast beef when he was starving, and the pitcher of lemonade when he was thirsty. She was his chapel and his choir, the mountain range to his wanderlust, the library for his curiosity, and every sunrise or sunset that ever was or would be. She was all the power in the universe coalesced into a living, breathing thing, the miracle that he had been granted.
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:Fan favorite couple Rhage and Mary return in this gripping novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling Black Dagger Brotherhood series.
Nothing is as it used to be for the Black Dagger Brotherhood. The slayers of the Lessening Society are stronger than ever, preying on human weakness to acquire more money, more weapons, more power. But as the Brotherhood readies for an all-out attack on them, one of their own fights a battle within himself...
For Rhage—the Brother with the biggest appetites, but also the biggest heart—life was supposed to be perfect. Or at the very least, perfectly enjoyable. But he can’t understand or control the panic and insecurity that plague him. Terrified, he must reassess his priorities after suffering a mortal injury. And the answer, when it comes to him, rocks his—and his beloved Mary’s—world...

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