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Salt creek door Lucy Treloar
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Salt creek (editie 2015)

door Lucy Treloar

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1459195,158 (4.25)42
From the winner of the 2014 Commonwealth Short Story Prize and the 2013 Writing Australia Unpublished Manuscript Award comes Lucy Treloar's new novel. Some things collapse slow, and cannot always be rebuilt, and even if a thing can be remade it will never be as it was. Salt Creek, 1855, lies at the far reaches of the remote, beautiful and inhospitable coastal region, the Coorong, in the new province of South Australia. The area, just opened to graziers willing to chance their luck, becomes home to Stanton Finch and his large family, including 15 year-old Hester Finch. Once wealthy political activists, the Finch family has fallen on hard times. Cut adrift from the polite society they were raised to be part of, Hester and her siblings make connections where they can: with the few travellers that pass along the nearby stock route - among them a young artist, Charles - and the Ngarrindjeri people they have dispossessed. Over the years that pass, and Aboriginal boy, Tully, at first a friend, becomes part of the family. Stanton's attempts to tame the harsh landscape bring ruin to the Ngarrindjeri people's homes and livelihoods, and unleash a chain of events that will tear the family asunder. As Hester witnesses the destruction of the Ngarrindjeri's subtle culture and the ideals that her family once held so close, she begins to wonder what civilization is. Was it for this life and this world that she was educated?… (meer)
Titel:Salt creek
Auteurs:Lucy Treloar
Info:Sydney, New South Wales : Picador, Pan Macmillan Australia, 2015.
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Salt Creek door Lucy Treloar

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1-5 van 9 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Salt Creek by Lucy Treloar is a work of historical fiction. It is very well researched and gives the reader a clear picture on the treatment of the Australian indigenous people. During the 1830s when South Australia was established as a British province, the Colonists paid lip service to a commitment to protect and care for the rights and lands of the Indigenous Australians. In reality however, this commitment was mostly ignored. If the natives escaped genocide and forced removal, they often fell victim to disease, the fencing of lands, the protection of water rights and the steady erosion of their culture and language.

This book is the story of an English family’s attempts to establish a cattle farm in South Australia and the main character, Hester, paints a vivid picture of what life in this remote area was like as the book is based on her memories of that time. The family came to this area as the father, Stanton Finch, had fallen deep into debt due to his bad business decisions and he hoped to make good by working the land. The mother, Bridget, suffers from depression and her fear of the natives all-consuming. They meet a half English/half Aboriginal boy named Tully and welcome him into their home but learning the way of the English confuses Tully and he is torn between the Aboriginal way and the white way. The book goes on to show how the family’s fortunes undertook a downward spiral as their day to day life becomes more difficult.

Salt Creek is a debut novel and is beautifully written. My only problem is that the author obviously had done extensive research and wanted to cram in all the facts that she could which resulted in a rather uneven pace, too much detail and a lot of repetition. However both the characters of Hester and Tully kept me involved and eager to learn what was going to happen next. I believe that Salt Creek paints a very credible picture of what homesteading life was like and I was intrigued by this story. ( )
  DeltaQueen50 | Aug 4, 2024 |
A very well-written compelling story about a family trying to make a living in Australia in the 1860s. The Finch family has little luck with various farming ventures. The story is narrated by Hester, the eldest daughter who is 15 at the beginning of the novel. Through her eyes, we see her mother's struggle with depression and pregnancy, and her father's zealous belief in the bible, and in bringing enlightenment to the Aboriginals -- largely by virtually adopting Tully, a young black boy. The novel explores themes of colonization, racial equality, family values and the role of women. It is the kind of story that will stay with me, and one that has me contemplating issues and perspectives days after I've read it. ( )
  LynnB | Sep 28, 2018 |
This was a wonderfully written and evocative book and goes a long way to capturing the human condition through its narrative and characterisations. Set in 1855, the Finch family leave the comforts of their city life and “good society” after falling on hard times and set off to the remote and beautiful Salt Creek.

Told through the eyes of Hester Finch, the eldest daughter and fifteen when the story starts, we see the family flung into an inhospitable coastal wildness inhabited by the Ngarrindjeri people. Her father Stanton Finch hopes for a change in his family’s fortunes by becoming a grazier.

The clash of cultures in this appears at first so supple when an Aboriginal boy, Tully, becomes a friend and part of the family. But as we slowly see the destruction not only of the Ngarrindjeri people’s land and the people themselves, we also see what might also be the destruction of the Finch’s family unit as each member deals with Stanton Finch’s unmovable belief that civilisation is best for the natives and in turn progress will return his family fortunes.

Watching her father trying to make right all that is wrong in the world, including his own fundamental flaws and her family and the Aboriginals flounder under his choices, causes Hester to question all she understands about her family, the Aboriginals, and herself.

This has a deceptive and slow build up to a very powerful story about love, loss and hope set during harsh times in a harsh society, told with both empathy and insight, which made it impossible for me to put down after I had read a few pages. ( )
  Sharon.Robards | Jan 18, 2018 |
I borrowed this book on a recommendation from LT member, jeniwren, who I thought to be a pretty good judge of literature and who shared similar interests to me, but is a much more sophisticated reader. It turns out she was right! With the exception of a section about 3/4 of the way through which seemed to lose direction a little, I found this a thoroughly engaging and worthwhile read. There are many issues dealt with and yet I didn't feel significant areas were being glossed over. There's 19th century religiosity, white-indigenous relations on both a cultural level and a personal level, father-daughter relationships, families, risk-taking and loss, crime and punishment, health, sexuality, masculinity, and more! There's clearly been a lot of research behind the story so it has an evident ring of truth. ( )
  oldblack | Oct 24, 2017 |
A wonderful fictionalized account of life in South Australia during 1850's and 1860's. The Finch family, try their luck at farming on the bleak southern coast of Australia. The father, Stanton is ill-equipped and ill-financed for the venture. The land previously inhabited by aboriginals seems cursed, as one venture after another fails and the family becomes fractured by death and disharmony. The author creates a vivid portrait of how the early settlers struggled for survival in a desolate landscape. ( )
  HelenBaker | Oct 7, 2017 |
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Lucy Treloarprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Birvé, UlliVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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From the winner of the 2014 Commonwealth Short Story Prize and the 2013 Writing Australia Unpublished Manuscript Award comes Lucy Treloar's new novel. Some things collapse slow, and cannot always be rebuilt, and even if a thing can be remade it will never be as it was. Salt Creek, 1855, lies at the far reaches of the remote, beautiful and inhospitable coastal region, the Coorong, in the new province of South Australia. The area, just opened to graziers willing to chance their luck, becomes home to Stanton Finch and his large family, including 15 year-old Hester Finch. Once wealthy political activists, the Finch family has fallen on hard times. Cut adrift from the polite society they were raised to be part of, Hester and her siblings make connections where they can: with the few travellers that pass along the nearby stock route - among them a young artist, Charles - and the Ngarrindjeri people they have dispossessed. Over the years that pass, and Aboriginal boy, Tully, at first a friend, becomes part of the family. Stanton's attempts to tame the harsh landscape bring ruin to the Ngarrindjeri people's homes and livelihoods, and unleash a chain of events that will tear the family asunder. As Hester witnesses the destruction of the Ngarrindjeri's subtle culture and the ideals that her family once held so close, she begins to wonder what civilization is. Was it for this life and this world that she was educated?

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