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Bleeding Love (Hope Town Book 2) door Harper…
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Bleeding Love (Hope Town Book 2) (editie 2015)

door Harper Sloan (Auteur)

Reeksen: Hope Town (2)

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734376,501 (4.4)Geen
I've loved once. I gave everything that I had to that love, blindly believing that nothing could ever take that feeling away from me. Away from us. And when my little world of happiness was ripped from my fingers, I felt a loss that still haunts me to this day. Now I use that lingering grief as a shield to keep my heart from loving again. It's that fear that keeps me from letting anyone, except my daughter, get close enough to make it hurt. To make my heart bleed when I inevitably lose again. Then I meet Liam Beckett, and everything I thought I had protected myself from is shoved back in my face. Contains mature themes.… (meer)
Titel:Bleeding Love (Hope Town Book 2)
Auteurs:Harper Sloan (Auteur)
Info:Harper Sloan (2015), 287 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Aan het lezen

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Bleeding Love door Harper Sloan

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I LOVE the cover...the book not so much. Megan ruined it for me. She was so self absorbed, needy, & immature. I found myself skimming at the end and wishing Liam would find a better woman! ( )
  DebJack | Jul 28, 2023 |
This book was so good, I went directly to Amazon and bought everything Harper Sloan has written.

So, why did I love it? Megan was such a relatable character-the survivor's guilt, the confused feelings, the depression. Its all so real and you can't help but love her. Liam is amazing! He is not the alpha a-holes found in so many books. Even when he is being demanding and a bit overbearing, he is doing it while asking her to meet him 1/2 way. It was a little spin on the alpha persona and I really liked it. And seriously, you just have to love Molly. I mean, if you don't, you should have your heart checked!

Great book that opened up a great new author to me! It is part of a series, and you can read it as a stand alone but you won't want to! Now I am off to read all her other books!!! My full review will be here: ( )
  thebookdisciple | Oct 9, 2018 |
**I received this complimentary book by the author for an honest review**
Bleeding Love is the second book in the Hope Town series. Each book in the series is a HEA and can be read as a standalone

Holy Bubblegum this book was… EMOTIONAL... SWEET... STEAMY...ICKY STICKY BUBBLEGUM…
Liam and Megan’s Story was just what I needed at the time I read. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but I can tell you it wasn’t that! Harper’s stories are always amazing, but this was even better. Once I started this book I had to finish it. My kids wanted to kill me because I kept telling them to sit down I just need to read one more chapter, one more chapter turn into another and another. Before I knew it, I was finished. I sat there with my kindle in my hand, thinking now I need more it was perfect.
“Fuck, I sound like a sappy Lifetime movie.” Liam

Megan came in during Dani and Cohen’s story. If you have read it yet you need to. Anywho, back to Megan. Megan’s husband and Cohen were friends. He died on a mission and never made it back home to his wife and daughter. Now the only person Megan has left is her little bird Molly. How does one person go through so much and make it out? Does she make it out of her whole with no scars? I guess you will have to read and find out.
A love worth having is a love worth fighting for

Liam, ah, where do we start with him? First, he is Dee and Beck’s only child. So of course he’d have to have a story like his parent’s. You’ve not read their story? It’s called Beck in the Corps Security Series. You’ll have to read it to understand what I mean. Liam is all alpha male and best friend with Dani. Of course he would be their mother’s are best friends so they were destined to be as well. Liam is the complete package, loving, understanding, pushy, and he loves with everything in him.
“Never, not once in my twenty-three years have I ever felt a connection as strong as strong as I do when I’m with you.” Megan

I know some are asking about Molly. She is the sweetest little bird there ever was. You know she kind of reminds me of Cohen when he was younger. Huh, I just thought about that. And just like Cohen, Molly has all these alpha males wrapped around her little finger. They all have “Makeup Overs, Tea Parties and Dates with her. What more could a girl ask for? She has even more love to give.
“Never, not once in my twenty-three years have I ever felt a connection as strong as strong as I do when I’m with you.” Megan

Ah! I’m so ready for more! Harper please tell me you are not going to make me wait too long for more. Hopefully I get Nate soon. I’m not sure how long I can go without these amazing characters. Guess I will just have to re-read all my books again starting with Axel.
( )
  JHaney | Jun 29, 2017 |
Liam Beckett lives up to the proverb of like father like son. Which means the son will have traits similar to his father upon reaching adulthood and boy does he ever.

The woman that Liam determines is his has emotionally shut down to prevent her heart from ever breaking again. There were times early in her grief of losing her husband that even her daughter couldnt bring her out into the light.

Through the friendship of Cohen Cage who served with her husband and his wife Dani she has allowed herself to open up just enough to allow friends in but yet still keeping her deepest secrets to herself. She finds herself attracted to Liam but is so afraid of opening herself up again that she's been pushing him away for years.

Liam finally decides he's had enough and smothers her and her daughter with kindness and love in hopes that she will eventually let her barriers she has erected over her heart down enough to trust him and allow herself to feel and be loved.

There were many times I found myself misty eyed through out this book but I also felt it mirrored just a little to closely to Dee and Beckett's story so it lacked a little originality.

Overall I enjoy all of these characters and getting to now read the next generation of a great group of men and women who I came to love in the Corp Security series. ( )
  CindySnS | Oct 26, 2016 |
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I've loved once. I gave everything that I had to that love, blindly believing that nothing could ever take that feeling away from me. Away from us. And when my little world of happiness was ripped from my fingers, I felt a loss that still haunts me to this day. Now I use that lingering grief as a shield to keep my heart from loving again. It's that fear that keeps me from letting anyone, except my daughter, get close enough to make it hurt. To make my heart bleed when I inevitably lose again. Then I meet Liam Beckett, and everything I thought I had protected myself from is shoved back in my face. Contains mature themes.

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