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The Book of Saladin: A Novel door Tariq Ali
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The Book of Saladin: A Novel (origineel 1998; editie 1999)

door Tariq Ali

Reeksen: Islam Quintet (2)

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423961,689 (3.64)25
The Book of Saladin is the fictional memoir of Saladin, the Kurdish liberator of Jerusalem, as dictated to a Jewish scribe, Ibn Yakub. Saladin grants Ibn Yakub permission to talk to his wife and retainers so that he might present a full portrait in the Sultan's memoirs. A series of interconnected stories follows, tales brimming over with warmth, earthy humor and passions in which ideals clash with realities and dreams are confounded by desires. At the heart of the novel is an affecting love affair between the Sultan's favored wife, Jamila, and the beautiful Halina, a later addition to the harem. The novel charts the rise of Saladin as Sultan of Egypt and Syria and follows him as he prepares, in alliance with his Jewish and Christian subjects, to take Jerusalem back from the Crusaders. This is a medieval story, but much of it will be uncannily familiar to those who follow events in contemporary Cairo, Damascus, and Baghdad. Betrayed hopes, disillusioned soldiers and unrealistic alliances form the backdrop to The Book of Saladin.… (meer)
Titel:The Book of Saladin: A Novel
Auteurs:Tariq Ali
Info:Verso (1999), Paperback, 367 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:fiction, historical fiction, middle east

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The Book of Saladin door Tariq Ali (1998)

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Engels (6)  Spaans (2)  Frans (1)  Alle talen (9)
1-5 van 9 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Having a hard time with this. Surprisingly tedious writing. Taking a break.
  lschiff | Sep 24, 2023 |
Cuando un día el judío Isaac ben Yakub recibe la visita del médico Ibn Maimun –Maimónides– en su casa de El Cairo, poco sospecha que lo hace en busca de un escriba que va recogiendo de viva voz las memorias del poderoso sultán de Egipto, Salah al-Din. No es más que el comienzo de El libro de Saladino, una novela que no deja lugar al aburrimiento y que despliega ante el lector el exótico y evocador mundo de las Cruzadas y del Oriente medieval con sus florecientes ciudades –El Cairo, Damasco, Bagdad–, en las que los palacios con sus lujosos aposentos y silenciosos patios, sus harenes y eunucos, se alzan al lado de los bulliciosos barrios con sus baños y callejuelas, sus comerciantes y sus espectáculos. Junto con los campos de batalla, tal es el escenario en el que se desarrollan, salpicadas de pasiones e intrigas, de júbilo y tensiones, las andanzas y hazañas del gran caudillo musulmán.
  Natt90 | Jul 18, 2022 |
I certainly expected more from this when I encountered it at Twice Told back in 2004. It was by the numbers historical fiction with the standard authorial flourishes but little else. Syncretism is the order of the day. This is a reworking by Ali to meet some kinder, gentler view of the controversial figure form the Crusades: as if, there were any saintly personages in the record of such. I eventually gave this and a few other unread novels by Ali to my friend Ed. ( )
  jonfaith | Feb 22, 2019 |
Ali continues his Islam Quintet series with this second volume focusing on Salah-al-din (or, as westerners know him, Saladin). Through a fictional Jewish scribe invited into Saladin’s inner circle, Saladin’s life story, from his childhood to becoming a sultan, uniting the Islamic world and retaking Jerusalem, is revealed. I wasn't as engrossed in this story as I was in the first, Shadows of the Pomegranate Tree (which I highly recommend!), but the alternate Islamic perspective of this era during the Second and Third Crusades was intriguing. Each novel stands independently – one need not read them in order. ( )
  ryner | Dec 14, 2018 |
Great historical novel, horribly edited in this edition though ( )
  borhap | Aug 27, 2013 |
1-5 van 9 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Roman Tarika Alija bogata je i raskošna hronika čija se radnja odvija u dvanaestom veku, u Kairu, Damasku i Jerusalim. Knjiga o saladinu predstavlja izmišljene memoare Saladina, Kurda koji je oslobodio Jerusalim od krstaša, koji svoja sećanja u pero kazuje Jevrejinu Ibn Jakubu, ličnom pisaru. Saladin dopušta Ibn Jakubu da razgovara sa njegovom ženom i slugama kako bi u memoarima mogao da prikaže celovit sultanov portret. Sledi čitav niz međusobno povezanih priča, pripovesti prepunih topline, sočnog humora i strasti, u kojima se ideali sudaraju sa stvarnošću, a želje brkaju sa snovima. U središtu radnje nalazi se dirljiva ljubavna priča između sultanove najdraže žene Džamile i prelepe Halime, koja je kasnije dospela u harem. Roman opisuje uspon Saladina do sultana Egipta i Sirije i prati njegove pripreme da, u savezu sa podanicima hrišćanima i Jevrejima, povrati Jerusalim od krstaša.
toegevoegd door Sensei-CRS |, a
Roman Tarika Alija bogata je i raskošna hronika čija se radnja odvija u dvanaestom veku, u Kairu, Damasku i Jerusalim. Knjiga o saladinu predstavlja izmišljene memoare Saladina, Kurda koji je oslobodio Jerusalim od krstaša, koji svoja sećanja u pero kazuje Jevrejinu Ibn Jakubu, ličnom pisaru. Saladin dopušta Ibn Jakubu da razgovara sa njegovom ženom i slugama kako bi u memoarima mogao da prikaže celovit sultanov portret. Sledi čitav niz međusobno povezanih priča, pripovesti prepunih topline, sočnog humora i strasti, u kojima se ideali sudaraju sa stvarnošću, a želje brkaju sa snovima. U središtu radnje nalazi se dirljiva ljubavna priča između sultanove najdraže žene Džamile i prelepe Halime, koja je kasnije dospela u harem. Roman opisuje uspon Saladina do sultana Egipta i Sirije i prati njegove pripreme da, u savezu sa podanicima hrišćanima i Jevrejima, povrati Jerusalim od krstaša.
toegevoegd door Sensei-CRS |, a

» Andere auteurs toevoegen (4 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Tariq Aliprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Herrera, AnaVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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Wikipedia in het Engels (2)

The Book of Saladin is the fictional memoir of Saladin, the Kurdish liberator of Jerusalem, as dictated to a Jewish scribe, Ibn Yakub. Saladin grants Ibn Yakub permission to talk to his wife and retainers so that he might present a full portrait in the Sultan's memoirs. A series of interconnected stories follows, tales brimming over with warmth, earthy humor and passions in which ideals clash with realities and dreams are confounded by desires. At the heart of the novel is an affecting love affair between the Sultan's favored wife, Jamila, and the beautiful Halina, a later addition to the harem. The novel charts the rise of Saladin as Sultan of Egypt and Syria and follows him as he prepares, in alliance with his Jewish and Christian subjects, to take Jerusalem back from the Crusaders. This is a medieval story, but much of it will be uncannily familiar to those who follow events in contemporary Cairo, Damascus, and Baghdad. Betrayed hopes, disillusioned soldiers and unrealistic alliances form the backdrop to The Book of Saladin.

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4 18
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5 13

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