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Wet For Her Warriors (The WILD Boys of Special Forces, #5)

door Angel Payne

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7Geen2,431,834 (3.33)Geen
The USA Today bestselling series continues Tait, Kellan, and Lani's story is here, set against Kauai's lush beauty. One of them healed her heart; the other captured her soul... Tait Bommer's call-sign, T-Bomb, has never described him more accurately. When he's not pissing someone off or scaring them witless, he's now the First Special Forces Group's official loose cannon, responsible for a major screw-up on their most recent mission. His mess has earned him two weeks of mandated R and R on the shores of Kauai, where the ultimatum is clear: straighten his head or don't return to active duty. But he's such a train wreck that even his best friend, Kellan Rush, isn't happy about having to pull babysitting duty. When the guys find their vacation interrupted on by a stranger bearing nothing but a glare, a Bowie knife, and a lot of curves in a tiny bikini, they wonder if the trip hasn't been hijacked by the island spirits, because surely they've found a goddess in the dark-haired beauty who not only sees their emotional scars, but opens their spirits by slowly exposing her own soul. Therapy takes on magical new meaning when three illicit desires collide in nights of explosive passion...and their goddess's sweet submission. Neither man wants to leave their island paradise, a torment that's intensified when an old adversary threatens to steal their goddess forever and rip their friendship apart. Tait and Kellan must decide to let anger and jealousy triumph, or unite as brothers at arms for the most important mission of their lives, in the name of the greatest cause of all: saving the woman they love.… (meer)
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The USA Today bestselling series continues Tait, Kellan, and Lani's story is here, set against Kauai's lush beauty. One of them healed her heart; the other captured her soul... Tait Bommer's call-sign, T-Bomb, has never described him more accurately. When he's not pissing someone off or scaring them witless, he's now the First Special Forces Group's official loose cannon, responsible for a major screw-up on their most recent mission. His mess has earned him two weeks of mandated R and R on the shores of Kauai, where the ultimatum is clear: straighten his head or don't return to active duty. But he's such a train wreck that even his best friend, Kellan Rush, isn't happy about having to pull babysitting duty. When the guys find their vacation interrupted on by a stranger bearing nothing but a glare, a Bowie knife, and a lot of curves in a tiny bikini, they wonder if the trip hasn't been hijacked by the island spirits, because surely they've found a goddess in the dark-haired beauty who not only sees their emotional scars, but opens their spirits by slowly exposing her own soul. Therapy takes on magical new meaning when three illicit desires collide in nights of explosive passion...and their goddess's sweet submission. Neither man wants to leave their island paradise, a torment that's intensified when an old adversary threatens to steal their goddess forever and rip their friendship apart. Tait and Kellan must decide to let anger and jealousy triumph, or unite as brothers at arms for the most important mission of their lives, in the name of the greatest cause of all: saving the woman they love.

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