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Hot For His Hostage (The WILD Boys Of Special Forces, #6)

door Angel Payne

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The USA Today bestselling series continues with a story full of twists, turns, heartache...and HEAT. All your favorite WILD Boys return to help Shay Bommer and Zoe Chestain fall in love, in one of Angel Payne's most adventurous books yet. It's the flight delay she'll never forget. Stuck in an airport bar with a choice between two drunk roommates or one dark and delicious stranger, Zoe Chestain decides to live dangerously for once, and succumbs to a night of Shay Bommer's dominant passion. But her cloud of sensual bliss is blown apart the next day, when the Vegas dancer and her friends are taken hostage by the hijackers of their flight home. Zoe's horror deepens when her kidnapper reveals himself. Shay. It's the mission he'll never give up. Shay Bommer is one of the Army's best, a Special Forces soldier who followed in the footsteps of his brother knowing infiltration with the enemy would sometimes be necessary. But this operation, deep under cover with one of the CIA's most sought-after criminals, has cost him more than the trust of the most breathtaking submissive he's ever had in his arms. He's given up the camaraderie of his unit, the protection of his country, and even the esteem of his brother in the quest to rescue one priceless treasure. His mother. Can they turn "never" into forever? Zoe's danced to some crazy songs in her time, but no wild choreography has prepared her for the adventure of life with Shay-or the return to his bed that means surrendering more than just her body. As they run from the bad guys, the good guys, and everyone in between, she learns about the man behind all his masks, and the Dominant for whom she's always longed. When Shay honors his word and unlocks her bonds for good, Zoe must face the truth-that her heart will always be Shay's willing captive. But staying with him means dying with him. The heat is on. Can Shay and Zoe's love survive the flames?… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorInkedBookReader, AddictedReader28, Jullievg, srbp
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The USA Today bestselling series continues with a story full of twists, turns, heartache...and HEAT. All your favorite WILD Boys return to help Shay Bommer and Zoe Chestain fall in love, in one of Angel Payne's most adventurous books yet. It's the flight delay she'll never forget. Stuck in an airport bar with a choice between two drunk roommates or one dark and delicious stranger, Zoe Chestain decides to live dangerously for once, and succumbs to a night of Shay Bommer's dominant passion. But her cloud of sensual bliss is blown apart the next day, when the Vegas dancer and her friends are taken hostage by the hijackers of their flight home. Zoe's horror deepens when her kidnapper reveals himself. Shay. It's the mission he'll never give up. Shay Bommer is one of the Army's best, a Special Forces soldier who followed in the footsteps of his brother knowing infiltration with the enemy would sometimes be necessary. But this operation, deep under cover with one of the CIA's most sought-after criminals, has cost him more than the trust of the most breathtaking submissive he's ever had in his arms. He's given up the camaraderie of his unit, the protection of his country, and even the esteem of his brother in the quest to rescue one priceless treasure. His mother. Can they turn "never" into forever? Zoe's danced to some crazy songs in her time, but no wild choreography has prepared her for the adventure of life with Shay-or the return to his bed that means surrendering more than just her body. As they run from the bad guys, the good guys, and everyone in between, she learns about the man behind all his masks, and the Dominant for whom she's always longed. When Shay honors his word and unlocks her bonds for good, Zoe must face the truth-that her heart will always be Shay's willing captive. But staying with him means dying with him. The heat is on. Can Shay and Zoe's love survive the flames?

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