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Master the GMAT, 22nd Edition (Peterson's Master the GMAT)

door Peterson's

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Peterson's Master the GMAT, 22nd Edition offers complete preparation for the GMAT for the business professional, including tips on essay writing and a thorough analysis of the types of verbal and quantitative questions you can expect on the exam This straightforward guide includes everything you need to know about the Integrated Reasoning section to score high, along with 9 full length practice tests (access to 3 computer-adaptive tests online), all with detailed answer explanations for each question. The Appendix provides additional valuable information, such as insightful articles on the economic and marketing value of a graduate-level business degree and how to choose the right business degree program for your career goals. Rounding out the valuable GMAT resources is a Word List to help boost your vocabulary for the test. Peterson's Master the GMAT, 22nd Edition features Review of all sections of the GMAT (Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative, and Verbal sections), with practice questions and thorough answer explanations In-depth review of all subject areas on the exam, including reading comprehension, sentence correction, critical reasoning, problem solving, data sufficiency, and much more Analytical Writing Assessment tips, grading scales, and sample essays… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorARC-Suva, EducationUSANi
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Peterson's Master the GMAT, 22nd Edition offers complete preparation for the GMAT for the business professional, including tips on essay writing and a thorough analysis of the types of verbal and quantitative questions you can expect on the exam This straightforward guide includes everything you need to know about the Integrated Reasoning section to score high, along with 9 full length practice tests (access to 3 computer-adaptive tests online), all with detailed answer explanations for each question. The Appendix provides additional valuable information, such as insightful articles on the economic and marketing value of a graduate-level business degree and how to choose the right business degree program for your career goals. Rounding out the valuable GMAT resources is a Word List to help boost your vocabulary for the test. Peterson's Master the GMAT, 22nd Edition features Review of all sections of the GMAT (Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative, and Verbal sections), with practice questions and thorough answer explanations In-depth review of all subject areas on the exam, including reading comprehension, sentence correction, critical reasoning, problem solving, data sufficiency, and much more Analytical Writing Assessment tips, grading scales, and sample essays

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