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Your God is Too Boring door Jon Leonetti
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Your God is Too Boring (editie 2014)

door Jon Leonetti (Auteur)

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Religion & Spirituality. Nonfiction. HTML:

Some say, "Catholicism is outdated. It's behind the times. It's boring." I say we've forgotten our story. It's time to rediscover that there is genius in Catholicism. Christianity has captivated the world for more than two thousand years. Look a little closer, and you'll see that it is the most dangerous and exciting thing on earth. Catholicism is a game changer. This book looks at the big picture of who God is, what he has revealed to us, and how that will radically impact our lives if we let it.

.… (meer)
Titel:Your God is Too Boring
Auteurs:Jon Leonetti (Auteur)
Info:Wellspring (2014), 160 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Your God is Too Boring door Jon Leonetti

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To counter the charge that God is too boring, Jon Leonetti shares his excitement as he recounts how God reveals Himself through Sacred Scripture and the lives of the saints of the Church. Rightly emphasizing the importance for the new evangelization of what is heard rather than what is proclaimed, the author writes very accessibly about his reception and enthusiastic response to the gift of faith.
  StFrancisofAssisi | Feb 2, 2021 |
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Religion & Spirituality. Nonfiction. HTML:

Some say, "Catholicism is outdated. It's behind the times. It's boring." I say we've forgotten our story. It's time to rediscover that there is genius in Catholicism. Christianity has captivated the world for more than two thousand years. Look a little closer, and you'll see that it is the most dangerous and exciting thing on earth. Catholicism is a game changer. This book looks at the big picture of who God is, what he has revealed to us, and how that will radically impact our lives if we let it.


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