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The Theory of Remainders (Dover Books on Mathematics)

door Andrea Rothbart

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An imaginative introduction to number theory, this unique approach employs a pair of fictional characters, Ant and Gnam. Ant leads Gnam through a variety of theories, and together, they put the theories into action--applying linear diophantine equations to football scoring, using a black-magic device to simplify problems in modular structures, and developing intriguing modifications to the rules of chess. Appropriate for anyone familiar with algebra at the high-school level, The Theory of Remainders offers a captivating introduction to both number theory and abstract algebra. Both elementary and challenging, it provides a view of mathematics as a conceptual net and illustrates the differences between conceptual and paraconceptual claims--an excellent start to expanding students' perspectives on mathematics. Exercises throughout the book form an integral part of the text, extending students' experience with the concepts under discussion and presenting opportunities to observe patterns. In addition to the exercises, a series of optional problems allows more advanced readers to further develop the concepts.… (meer)
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An imaginative introduction to number theory, this unique approach employs a pair of fictional characters, Ant and Gnam. Ant leads Gnam through a variety of theories, and together, they put the theories into action--applying linear diophantine equations to football scoring, using a black-magic device to simplify problems in modular structures, and developing intriguing modifications to the rules of chess. Appropriate for anyone familiar with algebra at the high-school level, The Theory of Remainders offers a captivating introduction to both number theory and abstract algebra. Both elementary and challenging, it provides a view of mathematics as a conceptual net and illustrates the differences between conceptual and paraconceptual claims--an excellent start to expanding students' perspectives on mathematics. Exercises throughout the book form an integral part of the text, extending students' experience with the concepts under discussion and presenting opportunities to observe patterns. In addition to the exercises, a series of optional problems allows more advanced readers to further develop the concepts.

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