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How to Break Up With Anyone: Letting Go of Friends, Family, and Everyone In-Between

door Jamye Waxman

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Family & Relationships. Self-Improvement. Nonfiction. HTML:

Not all relationships are made to last forever. Sometimes what starts as a beautiful friendship or productive partnership turns toxic, or one-sided, or unhealthy – and the best solution for both parties is to end it. In How to Break Up With Anyone, relationship expert Jamye Waxman has written a much-needed guide to every step of a non-romantic breakup. Drawing from her own experiences, Jamye provides strategies for disengaging from a friend, family member, community, or even former version of oneself, addressing both practical and emotional concerns. While ending a relationship can be painful, Jamye's positive message focuses on the ultimately liberating aspects of putting unhealthy relationships to rest.
Chapters include:
Breaking Up Versus Taking a Break
Best Friends Forever No More
Breaking Up With Family
Kissing Community Goodbye
Relabeling Your Sexuality and Gender
Breaking Up With Your Career
Breaking Up With Anyone Else
Being Broken Up With
How to Break Up With Anyone provides the tools for anyone to initiate a breakup, the encouragement to get through it, and the wisdom to recognize that they don't have to settle for anything less than productive, healthy relationships. Covering a variety of relationships, How to Break Up With Anyone is a timeless resource for people of all ages.

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Family & Relationships. Self-Improvement. Nonfiction. HTML:

Not all relationships are made to last forever. Sometimes what starts as a beautiful friendship or productive partnership turns toxic, or one-sided, or unhealthy – and the best solution for both parties is to end it. In How to Break Up With Anyone, relationship expert Jamye Waxman has written a much-needed guide to every step of a non-romantic breakup. Drawing from her own experiences, Jamye provides strategies for disengaging from a friend, family member, community, or even former version of oneself, addressing both practical and emotional concerns. While ending a relationship can be painful, Jamye's positive message focuses on the ultimately liberating aspects of putting unhealthy relationships to rest.
Chapters include:
Breaking Up Versus Taking a Break
Best Friends Forever No More
Breaking Up With Family
Kissing Community Goodbye
Relabeling Your Sexuality and Gender
Breaking Up With Your Career
Breaking Up With Anyone Else
Being Broken Up With
How to Break Up With Anyone provides the tools for anyone to initiate a breakup, the encouragement to get through it, and the wisdom to recognize that they don't have to settle for anything less than productive, healthy relationships. Covering a variety of relationships, How to Break Up With Anyone is a timeless resource for people of all ages.


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