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Flora and the Peacocks door Molly Idle
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Flora and the Peacocks (editie 2016)

door Molly Idle (Auteur)

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17315163,373 (4.18)Geen
In this wordless book with interactive flaps, a little girl named Flora forms a friendship with two peacocks as the three learn to dance together.
Titel:Flora and the Peacocks
Auteurs:Molly Idle (Auteur)
Info:Chronicle Books (2016), Edition: Ina, 40 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:wordless book, picture book, peacock, animals, birds, dancing, art, conflict, friendship, flip tabs

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Flora and the Peacocks door Molly Idle

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This book leaves much to interpretation, as a wordless picture book. Here is my interpretation - Flora is learning to dance like a peacock, and finds two peacocks out in nature. She tries to dance like them, but they do not appreciate her dance moves. So much so that they break her fan! Flora becomes discouraged, but does she learn the dance of the peacocks? ( )
  ReillyMoreno | Jun 28, 2022 |
Neat use of folding panels and pretty, pretty images. Great wordless books that express so much! Friendship and hurt feelings in this one. Really well done. ( )
  jennybeast | Apr 14, 2022 |
I neither liked or disliked this book; I found this book to just be ok. The illustrations and pull down flaps of this book are well done. The illustrations are engaging and brightly colored and the pull down flaps allow a nonreader or reader to be interactive with this book. The illustrations give more of a vague plot and do not make it very clear what is happening until the very end of the book. A reader would need to have background knowledge of the peacock to understand what is happening with the peacocks and the girl throughout the book. The big idea behind this book is to inform and show how peacocks dance and interact with each other. ( )
  paigehamm | Feb 17, 2020 |
Great for children who are imaginative.
  Laura.Vance | Nov 12, 2019 |
Flora tries to make friends with a pair of peacocks. They are initially suspicious, but she entices one of them to play with her (she has a small yellow fan), and then the other becomes jealous. Flora's fan is torn in two and she is sad, so the peacocks join forces to cheer her up. Gorgeous blues and greens, full of movement, and the flaps and fold-out pages work perfectly with this dynamic, wordless story. ( )
  JennyArch | Jun 21, 2018 |
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In this wordless book with interactive flaps, a little girl named Flora forms a friendship with two peacocks as the three learn to dance together.

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Haiku samenvatting

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Gemiddelde: (4.18)
2 1
3 4
3.5 2
4 11
4.5 1
5 12

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