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Big-Wing Paper Gliders

door Michael Johnson

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Each of the seven models in this colorful book was chosen with super performance in mind. The wingspans are extra wide (ranging from 2 to 2 1/2 feet) and extra stable to allow maximum flight time. The planes are sturdy enough to be flown outdoors and several have been designed with a tow hook that enabled them to be towed into the air, kite fashion, and released at heights up to 150 feet. These free-flying gliders are capable of several minutes or more of flight time.The size of the models makes them relatively easy to construct, and each comes with complete, detailed instructions for assembling and trimming. All parts are printed in full color and are die-cut for easy removal, and all major fold lines are scored for easy folding.Try the all-wing design Blade 7, the fast-flying Delta M5, or the virtually stall-proof Yellowbird. big Wing Paper Gliders will provide hours of building and flying enjoyment for modelmakers and paper airplane enthusiasts of all skill levels.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorBattyoldseadog, markandsandy, saul
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Each of the seven models in this colorful book was chosen with super performance in mind. The wingspans are extra wide (ranging from 2 to 2 1/2 feet) and extra stable to allow maximum flight time. The planes are sturdy enough to be flown outdoors and several have been designed with a tow hook that enabled them to be towed into the air, kite fashion, and released at heights up to 150 feet. These free-flying gliders are capable of several minutes or more of flight time.The size of the models makes them relatively easy to construct, and each comes with complete, detailed instructions for assembling and trimming. All parts are printed in full color and are die-cut for easy removal, and all major fold lines are scored for easy folding.Try the all-wing design Blade 7, the fast-flying Delta M5, or the virtually stall-proof Yellowbird. big Wing Paper Gliders will provide hours of building and flying enjoyment for modelmakers and paper airplane enthusiasts of all skill levels.

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