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In the Shadow of the Gods: A Bound Gods…
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In the Shadow of the Gods: A Bound Gods Novel (Bound Gods, 1) (editie 2016)

door Rachel Dunne (Auteur)

Reeksen: Bound Gods (1)

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With In the Shadow of the Gods, Rachel Dunne makes her breathtaking debut with this first book in a dark epic fantasy trilogy, The Bound Gods, in which a mismatched band of mortals led by a violent, secretive man must stand against a pair of resentful gods to save their world. Eons ago, a pair of gods known as the Twins grew powerful in the world of Fiatera, until the Divine Mother and Almighty Father exiled them, binding them deep in the earth. But the price of keeping the fire lands safe is steep. To prevent these young gods from rising again, all twins in the land must be killed at birth, a safeguard that has worked until now. Trapped for centuries, the Twins are gathering their latent powers to break free and destroy the Parents for their tyranny-to set off a fight between two generations of gods for control of the world and the mortals who dwell in it. When the gods make war, only one side can be victorious. Joros, a mysterious and cunning priest, has devised a dangerous plan to win. Over eight years, he gathers a team of disparate fighters-Scal, a lost and damaged swordsman from the North; Vatri, a scarred priestess who claims to see the future in her fires; Anddyr, a drug-addled mage wandering between sanity and madness; and Rora and Aro, a pair of twins who have secretly survived beyond the reach of the law. These warriors must learn to stand together against the unfathomable power of vengeful gods, to stop them from tearing down the sun . . . and plunging their world into darkness.… (meer)
Titel:In the Shadow of the Gods: A Bound Gods Novel (Bound Gods, 1)
Auteurs:Rachel Dunne (Auteur)
Info:Harper Voyager (2016), 400 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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In the Shadow of the Gods door Rachel Dunne

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This book has all the important things I look for: plot, characters, world building. And no character is perfect. Lots of flaws, lots of thinking this character is totally evil but wait there's more. All the switching between characters was a bit confusing at first, especially with names being so similar in many cases, but after awhile you figure out who's who. Overall, a good read. ( )
  pacbox | Jul 9, 2022 |
This is a book that made me feel several ways, and I'm not really sure which one wins out. This was well crafted, but there's a constant inability to get fully behind any one character because they're all pretty murderous and such. It was interesting, and yet at the same time I kept wanting to put it down because it was disturbing. It ended very sharply, not even so much a cliffhanger as a sharp sudden drop into a dark oubliette of confusion, and yet I'm left torn on whether or not I want to read onward.

( )
  Malaraa | Apr 26, 2022 |
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With In the Shadow of the Gods, Rachel Dunne makes her breathtaking debut with this first book in a dark epic fantasy trilogy, The Bound Gods, in which a mismatched band of mortals led by a violent, secretive man must stand against a pair of resentful gods to save their world. Eons ago, a pair of gods known as the Twins grew powerful in the world of Fiatera, until the Divine Mother and Almighty Father exiled them, binding them deep in the earth. But the price of keeping the fire lands safe is steep. To prevent these young gods from rising again, all twins in the land must be killed at birth, a safeguard that has worked until now. Trapped for centuries, the Twins are gathering their latent powers to break free and destroy the Parents for their tyranny-to set off a fight between two generations of gods for control of the world and the mortals who dwell in it. When the gods make war, only one side can be victorious. Joros, a mysterious and cunning priest, has devised a dangerous plan to win. Over eight years, he gathers a team of disparate fighters-Scal, a lost and damaged swordsman from the North; Vatri, a scarred priestess who claims to see the future in her fires; Anddyr, a drug-addled mage wandering between sanity and madness; and Rora and Aro, a pair of twins who have secretly survived beyond the reach of the law. These warriors must learn to stand together against the unfathomable power of vengeful gods, to stop them from tearing down the sun . . . and plunging their world into darkness.

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