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Freeglader: The Edge Chronicles (Rook 3)…
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Freeglader: The Edge Chronicles (Rook 3) (editie 2006)

door Paul Stewart (Auteur)

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646537,547 (4.22)1
Fleeing from the ruins of New Undertown, Rook Barkwater and the librarian knights and Felix Lodd and his banderbear friends must lead the escaping population to a new life in the Free Glades.
Titel:Freeglader: The Edge Chronicles (Rook 3)
Auteurs:Paul Stewart (Auteur)
Info:David Fickling Books (2006), Edition: First Edition, 416 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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De vlucht naar de Vrije Laren door Paul Stewart

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(For the whole series): I blasted through all of these the first time I read them. Stewart and Riddell created an amazing world, where rocks float and there are a bunch of different humanoid beings running around, each with their own outlook on life and way of living. You can read them in published order or reorganize them into internal chronological order, as some of the characters turn out to be the grandparents of other characters. Either way, a good rollicking read with characters you might actually care about. The pen-and-ink illustrations top it off – interesting, complex, and perfect for the story.
  sylvatica | Jul 19, 2011 |
An excellent way to the "Rook Triligy" part of the Edge chronicles. I loved how it Re-imcoperated Twig as an old man and how it really developed the world of Edge into finally haveing a place where you can say "Ya thats where the good guys live" "FOR THE FREEGLADES" ( )
  numbert | Sep 13, 2007 |
Good book ( )
  Will48 | Feb 26, 2007 |
This was the best book in the series (so far) because a lot of characters stories got revealed...5/5 ( )
  purplerockerchick | Feb 18, 2007 |
This is probably the most action-packed book of the series yet, with all its battles and the simultaneous storylines of Rook and Xanth and their qwests to discover who they truly are. The older books and the newer also get more firmly tied together in this installment, giving closure and opening new horizons at the same time. ( )
  TechiMi | Feb 9, 2006 |
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Paul Stewartprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Riddell, ChrisIllustratorSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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Fleeing from the ruins of New Undertown, Rook Barkwater and the librarian knights and Felix Lodd and his banderbear friends must lead the escaping population to a new life in the Free Glades.

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Gemiddelde: (4.22)
2 2
3 11
4 33
4.5 5
5 30

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