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Vox (The Edge Chronicles, Book 6) door Paul…
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Vox (The Edge Chronicles, Book 6) (editie 2005)

door Paul Stewart, Chris Riddell

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709533,510 (4.11)2
Rook Barkwater, the young librarian knight, attempts to stop Vox Verlix, the Most High Academe, in his plot to take over Edgeworld once again.
Titel:Vox (The Edge Chronicles, Book 6)
Auteurs:Paul Stewart
Andere auteurs:Chris Riddell
Info:David Fickling Books (2005), Hardcover, 400 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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De wraak van Vox Verlix door Paul Stewart

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Toon 5 van 5
Another fabulous entry in the Edge Chronicles series. I started this series in High School and have been reading it throughout my life since then. I just finished Vox, the 6th book, a few days ago. Nothing short of exciting and eventful- this book may have been the most violent and graphic one yet. I really liked the twist ending it had. I wouldn't say it was one of my favorites in the series thus far, but it absolutely has its strong, memorable points.
The series continues! ( )
  am08279 | May 1, 2023 |
(For the whole series): I blasted through all of these the first time I read them. Stewart and Riddell created an amazing world, where rocks float and there are a bunch of different humanoid beings running around, each with their own outlook on life and way of living. You can read them in published order or reorganize them into internal chronological order, as some of the characters turn out to be the grandparents of other characters. Either way, a good rollicking read with characters you might actually care about. The pen-and-ink illustrations top it off – interesting, complex, and perfect for the story.
  sylvatica | Jul 19, 2011 |
Read and enjoyed ( )
  Will48 | Feb 26, 2007 |
The librarian knights are heroes in this world of goblins, trolls, waifs and various demons and monsters. Intrigue and double-crossing are the order of the day. But the valiant librarians prevail. ( )
  lilibrarian | Sep 13, 2006 |
As with all tales from the Edge, this one lacks nothing in terms of imagination, suspense, and an abundance of unique characters, though by now some of the creature of this world are becoming familiar. And despite knowing I had missed something along the way, I blazed through this installment quickly, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I do however look forward to going back to Book 5 to fill in the gaps, and am hoping some of the libraries will soon pick up books 7 and 8. ( )
  TechiMi | Feb 9, 2006 |
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Paul Stewartprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Riddell, ChrisIllustratorSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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Rook Barkwater, the young librarian knight, attempts to stop Vox Verlix, the Most High Academe, in his plot to take over Edgeworld once again.

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Gemiddelde: (4.11)
2 2
3 14
3.5 3
4 33
4.5 3
5 27

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