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The Diabetic Athlete, Prescriptions for…
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The Diabetic Athlete, Prescriptions for exercise and sports (editie 2000)

door Sheri Colberg PhD (Auteur), Edward Horton MD

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7Geen2,431,834 (3.63)Geen
The Diabetic Athleteis the only book on the market that gives athletes and dedicated fitness enthusiasts the practical tips to manage type 1 or type 2 diabetes better while training and competing for performance. Written by a diabetic athlete with a PhD in exercise physiology and endorsed by Dr. Edward Horton, a recognized diabetes expert, The Diabetic Athletedraws from collected expertise of hundreds of diabetic athletes, sharing their experiences from sports and fitness training. Colberg analyses their experiences and provides practical advice on blood sugar balance, nutrition, and exercise to help you pursue a normal, vigorously active life. The book presents real-life examples from diabetic athletes on the special modifications they make in their diet and medication for various sports and physical activities, including general recommendations for diet and insulin changes for each activity. The Diabetic Athletealso covers the basics of exercise physiology, metabolism, nutrition, and supplements, including the following critical information: - Blood sugar response to activity - Insulin and oral medications - Nutritional and ergogenic substances - Insulin options for NPH and lente, ultralente, and pump users No other book gives so many sport-specific recommendations to help you safely pursue the activities you enjoy. With Dr. Colberg's advice, you'll feel better than ever while training for fitness and sport performance.… (meer)
Titel:The Diabetic Athlete, Prescriptions for exercise and sports
Auteurs:Sheri Colberg PhD (Auteur)
Andere auteurs:Edward Horton MD
Info:Human Kinetics (2000), Edition: 1, 272 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:Diabetes, Exercise

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The Diabetic Athlete door Sheri Colberg

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The Diabetic Athleteis the only book on the market that gives athletes and dedicated fitness enthusiasts the practical tips to manage type 1 or type 2 diabetes better while training and competing for performance. Written by a diabetic athlete with a PhD in exercise physiology and endorsed by Dr. Edward Horton, a recognized diabetes expert, The Diabetic Athletedraws from collected expertise of hundreds of diabetic athletes, sharing their experiences from sports and fitness training. Colberg analyses their experiences and provides practical advice on blood sugar balance, nutrition, and exercise to help you pursue a normal, vigorously active life. The book presents real-life examples from diabetic athletes on the special modifications they make in their diet and medication for various sports and physical activities, including general recommendations for diet and insulin changes for each activity. The Diabetic Athletealso covers the basics of exercise physiology, metabolism, nutrition, and supplements, including the following critical information: - Blood sugar response to activity - Insulin and oral medications - Nutritional and ergogenic substances - Insulin options for NPH and lente, ultralente, and pump users No other book gives so many sport-specific recommendations to help you safely pursue the activities you enjoy. With Dr. Colberg's advice, you'll feel better than ever while training for fitness and sport performance.

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