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What Do You Do With a Problem? - New York…
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What Do You Do With a Problem? - New York Times best seller (editie 2016)

door Kobi Yamada (Auteur)

Reeksen: What Do You Do... (2)

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1,59711011,634 (4.46)3
"What do you do with a problem? Especially one that follows you around and doesn't seem to be going away? Do you worry about it? Ignore it? Do you run and hide from it? This is the story of a persistent problem and the child who isn't so sure what to make of it. The longer the problem is avoided, the bigger it seems to get. But when the child finally musters up the courage to face it, the problem turns out to be something quite different than it appeared. This is a story for anyone, at any age, who has ever had a problem that they wished would go away. It's a story to inspire you to look closely at that problem and to find out why it's here. Because you might discover something amazing about your problem and yourself. What are problems for? They challenge us, shape us, push us, and help us to discover just how strong and brave and capable we really are. Even though we don't always want them, problems have a way of bringing unexpected gifts. So, what will you do with your problem?"--Provided by publisher.… (meer)
Titel:What Do You Do With a Problem? - New York Times best seller
Auteurs:Kobi Yamada (Auteur)
Info:Compendium Inc (2016), Edition: Reprint, 36 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:fear, storm, unknown

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What Do You Do With a Problem? door Kobi Yamada

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1-5 van 110 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
This book is appropriate for primary readers.
This book is about a young child who has to figure out what to do with his problem.
This book could be useful when teaching about worry or problem solving.
  Kpasley | Apr 24, 2024 |
Achild struggles with the worry and anxiety that come with an unexpected problem.

In a wonderful balance of text and pictures, the team responsible for What Do You Do With an Idea (2014) returns with another book inspiring children to feel good about themselves. A child frets about a problem that won’t go away: “I wished it would just disappear. I tried everything I could to hide from it. I even found ways to disguise myself. But it still found me.” The spare, direct narrative is accompanied by soft gray illustrations in pencil and watercolor. The sepia-toned figure of the child is set apart from the background and surrounded by lots of white space, visually isolating the problem, which is depicted as a purple storm cloud looming overhead. Color is added bit by bit as the storm cloud grows and its color becomes more saturated. With a backpack and umbrella, the child tries to escape the problem while the storm swirls, awash with compass points scattered across the pages. The pages brighten into splashes of yellow as the child decides to tackle the problem head-on and finds that it holds promise for unlooked-for opportunity.

A straightforward, effective approach to helping children cope with one of life’s commonplace yet emotionally fraught situations, this belongs on the shelf alongside Molly Bang’s Sophie books. (Picture book. 4-7)

-Kirkus Review
  CDJLibrary | Nov 9, 2023 |
My coworker left this book on my desk for me to read today, and it was perfect. I have felt like the whole world has been laying on my shoulders this week, and this book brightened my day. I will definitely buy this book for my kids one day. ( )
  TimeLord10SPW | Jul 3, 2023 |
In this book it talks about the difficulties having a problem might be. We see that the schachter is afraid to solve the problem he has. In the end he faces his issue and figure out that it wasn't so bad to face is problem. ( )
  OliviaW33 | Mar 16, 2023 |
Does this PROBLEM sound familiar?
These magical illustrations and the oh so familiar tale, touch my heart. ( )
  juliais_bookluvr | Mar 9, 2023 |
1-5 van 110 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
This book is about a kid that has a problem, which follows him around like a storm cloud. He avoids and avoids the problem and it keeps getting larger and larger. Eventually the kid sinks into a deep depression and never wants to get out of bed. He decides to tackle the problem, and it cracks open and gold light spills out because "every problem has an opportunity for something good."
toegevoegd door hannahtoukan | bewerkcompendium incorporated, Touk-Han (Oct 14, 2019)

» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Kobi Yamadaprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Besom, MaeIllustratorSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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"What do you do with a problem? Especially one that follows you around and doesn't seem to be going away? Do you worry about it? Ignore it? Do you run and hide from it? This is the story of a persistent problem and the child who isn't so sure what to make of it. The longer the problem is avoided, the bigger it seems to get. But when the child finally musters up the courage to face it, the problem turns out to be something quite different than it appeared. This is a story for anyone, at any age, who has ever had a problem that they wished would go away. It's a story to inspire you to look closely at that problem and to find out why it's here. Because you might discover something amazing about your problem and yourself. What are problems for? They challenge us, shape us, push us, and help us to discover just how strong and brave and capable we really are. Even though we don't always want them, problems have a way of bringing unexpected gifts. So, what will you do with your problem?"--Provided by publisher.

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Gemiddelde: (4.46)
2 5
3 15
3.5 3
4 32
4.5 6
5 96

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