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Hallowed halls of greater New Orleans : historic churches, cathedrals, and sanctuaries

door Deborah Burst

Andere auteurs: Anne Rice (Voorwoord)

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Since Louisiana is the only state in the union to organize itself through parishes and not counties, it should come as no surprise that its places of worship are pillars of its communities. The Big Easy is no exception. From New Orleans to the Northshore, stately churches, grand cathedrals and rustic chapels act as reliquaries and safeguards of community history and strength. The stories of their builders, architects and leaders exemplify development and the immigrant experience in Louisiana. Their parishioners embody the diverse and personal meanings of faith and devotion. Join Deborah Burst as she explores the rich history of churches of New Orleans.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorecb06c, Adakian, thefirstdark, Prytania, selbarton
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Burst, DeborahAuteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Rice, AnneVoorwoordSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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Since Louisiana is the only state in the union to organize itself through parishes and not counties, it should come as no surprise that its places of worship are pillars of its communities. The Big Easy is no exception. From New Orleans to the Northshore, stately churches, grand cathedrals and rustic chapels act as reliquaries and safeguards of community history and strength. The stories of their builders, architects and leaders exemplify development and the immigrant experience in Louisiana. Their parishioners embody the diverse and personal meanings of faith and devotion. Join Deborah Burst as she explores the rich history of churches of New Orleans.

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