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The Emotional Life of Our Lord (Crossway…
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The Emotional Life of Our Lord (Crossway Short Classics) (editie 2022)

door B. B. Warfield (Auteur), Sinclair B. Ferguson (Voorwoord)

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A Close Look at the Complex Emotions of Christ In the search to understand the deity of Christ, Christians might overlook what the Bible reveals about his humanity. Did Jesus really feel emotions? What grieved him? What delighted him? How did Jesus-fully human and fully God-react to the world and people around him? Throughout Scripture, Jesus displays a range of emotions that can help believers understand him more intimately. In The Emotional Life of Our Lord, theologian B. B. Warfield explains how Christ's complex emotions and personality proved his humanity. It was necessary for Christ to be born in the likeness of mankind to bear their griefs, carry their sorrows, take their infirmities, and ultimately redeem their lives. In this encouraging book, readers learn to see Christ as a compassionate Savior through his sinless expressions of emotions-from righteous anger to abiding love. - An Important Look at Jesus's Humanity: Examines Christ's complex emotions and explains their signifi...… (meer)
Titel:The Emotional Life of Our Lord (Crossway Short Classics)
Auteurs:B. B. Warfield (Auteur)
Andere auteurs:Sinclair B. Ferguson (Voorwoord)
Info:Crossway (2022), 120 pages

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The Emotional Life of Our Lord (Crossway Short Classics) door B. B. Warfield

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Great Survey of the Emotional Life of Christ

BB Warfield does a great job mining the differences between those that would try and die fly the emotional life of Christ as to not make him Human, and those that would try and humanize the emotional life of Christ as to make him irreverent. A great primer for those looking to dive into the emotions of Christ. ( )
  gingsing27 | Jul 8, 2022 |
In the search to understand the deity of Christ, Christians might overlook what the Bible reveals about his humanity. Did Jesus really feel emotions? What grieved him? What delighted him? How did Jesus―fully human and fully God―react to the world and people around him? Throughout Scripture, Jesus displays a range of emotions that can help believers understand him more intimately.
In The Emotional Life of Our Lord, theologian B. B. Warfield explains how Christ’s complex emotions and personality proved his humanity. It was necessary for Christ to be born in the likeness of mankind to bear their griefs, carry their sorrows, take their infirmities, and ultimately redeem their lives. In this encouraging book, readers learn to see Christ as a compassionate Savior through his sinless expressions of emotions―from righteous anger to abiding love.
  wpcalibrary | Jun 27, 2022 |
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[Foreword] The writings of B. B. Warfield have been a presence in my life since the day I, as a seventeen-year-old freshman student, first heard his name.
[Series Preface] John Piper once wrote that books do not change people, but paragraphs do.
[Biography of B. B. Warfield] Benjamin Breckenridge Warfield (1851-1921) was born in Lexington, Kentucky, to a prominent American family, whose ancestors included a vice president and an attorney general.
[Note to the Reader] The original text of Warfield's The Emotional Life of Our Lord included an extensive collection of footnotes.
It belongs to the truth of our Lord's humanity that he was subject to all sinless human emotions.
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A Close Look at the Complex Emotions of Christ In the search to understand the deity of Christ, Christians might overlook what the Bible reveals about his humanity. Did Jesus really feel emotions? What grieved him? What delighted him? How did Jesus-fully human and fully God-react to the world and people around him? Throughout Scripture, Jesus displays a range of emotions that can help believers understand him more intimately. In The Emotional Life of Our Lord, theologian B. B. Warfield explains how Christ's complex emotions and personality proved his humanity. It was necessary for Christ to be born in the likeness of mankind to bear their griefs, carry their sorrows, take their infirmities, and ultimately redeem their lives. In this encouraging book, readers learn to see Christ as a compassionate Savior through his sinless expressions of emotions-from righteous anger to abiding love. - An Important Look at Jesus's Humanity: Examines Christ's complex emotions and explains their signifi...

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