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Where's the Dragon? door Jason Hook
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Where's the Dragon? (editie 2004)

door Jason Hook (Auteur)

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2605106,901 (4.27)1
With its beautifully embossed pages, shiny spot laminations that really pop, and a fun invitation to a dragon hunt, this one-of-a-kind book feels like magic, and looks great under the Christmas tree too. Look inside this amazing picture book and feel the embossed pages. Can you see and touch the dragon? Can you find lots and lots of dragons? They're everywhere! That's because Mr. Jones is simply mad about the creatures. He carves them out of wood and he tells thrilling stories about them. But he's never seen a real dragon, so he and his grandson George have set sail in search of one. Come along and help, using your sharp sense of sight and sensitive fingers to navigate through the pictures. But remember: to discover a really, truly fire-breathing dragon, you have to hunt high and low and always, always believe hard enough. A story kids will joyously read over and over again. "Go on an adventure with Grandfather, little George, and Meg the dog in search of an enormous dragon that lives in the mountains"--Page 4 of cover.… (meer)
Titel:Where's the Dragon?
Auteurs:Jason Hook (Auteur)
Info:Union Square Kids (2004), Edition: Later Printing, 26 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Where's the Dragon? door Jason Hook

  1. 00
    Het Spel der Tronen door George R. R. Martin (Anonieme gebruiker)
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Toon 5 van 5
Great book for young children with different textures to touch and explore. They can look for all of the Dragons while reading about George's adventure. ( )
  Jelifish | May 3, 2024 |
“To see a dragon,” Grandfather tells George, “You must hunt high and low, and always believe hard enough.”

When Grandfather and George sail off on a dragon-hunting adventure, will George finally see the dragon?


In this tactile picture book, young readers can feel and touch the dragons as the story unfolds. Each double-page illustration invites the young reader to look carefully, to discover the dragons hiding within the pictures. [Check out grandfather’s house to discover how many dragons are hiding in the pages of this book. Then see if you can find all of them.]

The clever story keeps the young reader involved; dragon-counting is sure to be part of the appeal!

Highly recommended. ( )
  jfe16 | Aug 23, 2022 |
"With its beautifully embossed pages, shiny spot laminations that really pop, and a fun invitation to a dragon hunt, this one-of-a-kind book feels like magic, and looks great under the Christmas tree too.
Look inside this amazing picture book and feel the embossed pages. Can you see and touch the dragon? Can you find lots and lots of dragons? They’re everywhere! That’s because Mr. Jones is simply mad about the creatures. He carves them out of wood and he tells thrilling stories about them. But he’s never seen a real dragon, so he and his grandson George have set sail in search of one. Come along and help, using your sharp sense of sight and sensitive fingers to navigate through the pictures. But remember: to discover a really, truly fire-breathing dragon, you have to hunt high and low and always, always believe hard enough. A story kids will joyously read over and over again." -- GoodReads
  EKiddieKollege | Jul 5, 2020 |
Fun little story with hidden images of dragons to find (I found 81 the first time around) ( )
  SLHobbs | Aug 31, 2015 |
This book is adorable. There are hidden dragons throughout. My kids get a kick out of searching for each and every one! ( )
  Suso711 | Oct 13, 2007 |
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With its beautifully embossed pages, shiny spot laminations that really pop, and a fun invitation to a dragon hunt, this one-of-a-kind book feels like magic, and looks great under the Christmas tree too. Look inside this amazing picture book and feel the embossed pages. Can you see and touch the dragon? Can you find lots and lots of dragons? They're everywhere! That's because Mr. Jones is simply mad about the creatures. He carves them out of wood and he tells thrilling stories about them. But he's never seen a real dragon, so he and his grandson George have set sail in search of one. Come along and help, using your sharp sense of sight and sensitive fingers to navigate through the pictures. But remember: to discover a really, truly fire-breathing dragon, you have to hunt high and low and always, always believe hard enough. A story kids will joyously read over and over again. "Go on an adventure with Grandfather, little George, and Meg the dog in search of an enormous dragon that lives in the mountains"--Page 4 of cover.

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Gemiddelde: (4.27)
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4.5 1
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