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Simply Said: Communicating Better at Work…
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Simply Said: Communicating Better at Work and Beyond (editie 2016)

door Jay Sullivan (Auteur)

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711386,145 (3.67)Geen
"Master the art of communication to improve outcomes in any scenario Simply Said is the essential handbook for business communication. Do you ever feel as though your message hasn't gotten across? Do details get lost along the way? Have tense situations ever escalated unnecessarily? Do people buy into your ideas? It all comes down to communication. We all communicate, but few of us do it well. From tough presentations to everyday transactions, there is no scenario that cannot be improved with better communication skills. This book presents an all-encompassing guide to improving your communication, based on the Exec|Comm philosophy: we are all better communicators when we focus more on others and less on ourselves. More than just a list of tips, this book connects skills with scenarios and purpose to help you hear and be heard. You'll learn the skills to deliver great presentations and stellar media appearances, handle difficult conversations, effectively manage, lead with authenticity and more, as you discover the secrets of true communication. Communication affects every interaction every day. Why not learn to do it well? This book provides comprehensive guidance toward getting your message across, and getting the results you want. Shift your focus from yourself to other people Build a reputation as a good listener Develop your written and oral communications for the greatest impact Inspire and influence others Communicate more effectively in any business or social situation Did that email come across as harsh? Did you offend someone unintentionally? Great communication skills give you the power to influence someone's thinking and guide them to where you need them to be. Simply Said teaches you the critical skills that make you more effective in business and in life"-- "Most books on communication skills focus only on skills. This book will connect all of the content through Exec|Comm's overarching philosophy: We are all more effective communicators, and therefore more effective professionals, when we focus less on ourselves and more on other people. After an introduction of a basic Exec|Comm "philosophy" about how to communicate better, the book will be divided into three main sections: Self-Empowerment, Skills and Situations, and include chapters on Understanding Your Personal Communication Style (Self-Empowerment), Building Your Reputation as a Listener (Skills), and Delivering Formal Presentations and Speeches (Situations)"--… (meer)
Titel:Simply Said: Communicating Better at Work and Beyond
Auteurs:Jay Sullivan (Auteur)
Info:Wiley (2016), Edition: 1, 288 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Simply Said: Communicating Better at Work and Beyond door Jay Sullivan

Onlangs toegevoegd dooreemananwer, robust6024, GPEPadmin
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Communications form an essential skill of leadership. To be a leader, people have to follow you. For people to follow you, they first must appreciate your vision, articulated in words, and then see them followed up with actions. This is true both in the workplace and in social life. In this book, Jay Sullivan aims to provide practical and simple insights to help us achieve these goals.

In the first half of the book, Sullivan’s instruction on good writing and good speaking are fairly par for the course. He wisely reinforces that he merely provides ways to improve effectiveness, not rules to follow precisely. Most of his adages correspond with succinct communication styles that relate to the people around you. This style resembles advice in many popular books. He aims to get your focus off of you and on to your audience – that is, the people that you are leading.

This book’s first half is fairly standard, but the second half clearly outdoes the first. Sullivan’s focus narrows on management and leadership. The theme of getting the focus onto the people becomes stronger and more powerful. He reminds us that we lead people for the people’s benefit first, not our own. Thus, his expressed style resembles that of servant leadership. Obviously, most of us fall short of this ideal, but I appreciate being pushed in the right direction. I’d therefore suggest that this book’s strengths are less about how to communicate more succinctly at work and more about communicating more effectively as a leader.

Public life requires communication. Those who aspire to leadership roles often need some refinement before they grow their tribe of followers. It’s better to identify how to improve comfortably through reading than to learn through painful mistakes. This book aims to ease readers’ adaptations to this end. Modern life certainly needs less self-absorbed leaders and more who are interested in the common good. This book can help us all reach those noble aims more directly. ( )
  scottjpearson | Aug 18, 2023 |
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"Master the art of communication to improve outcomes in any scenario Simply Said is the essential handbook for business communication. Do you ever feel as though your message hasn't gotten across? Do details get lost along the way? Have tense situations ever escalated unnecessarily? Do people buy into your ideas? It all comes down to communication. We all communicate, but few of us do it well. From tough presentations to everyday transactions, there is no scenario that cannot be improved with better communication skills. This book presents an all-encompassing guide to improving your communication, based on the Exec|Comm philosophy: we are all better communicators when we focus more on others and less on ourselves. More than just a list of tips, this book connects skills with scenarios and purpose to help you hear and be heard. You'll learn the skills to deliver great presentations and stellar media appearances, handle difficult conversations, effectively manage, lead with authenticity and more, as you discover the secrets of true communication. Communication affects every interaction every day. Why not learn to do it well? This book provides comprehensive guidance toward getting your message across, and getting the results you want. Shift your focus from yourself to other people Build a reputation as a good listener Develop your written and oral communications for the greatest impact Inspire and influence others Communicate more effectively in any business or social situation Did that email come across as harsh? Did you offend someone unintentionally? Great communication skills give you the power to influence someone's thinking and guide them to where you need them to be. Simply Said teaches you the critical skills that make you more effective in business and in life"-- "Most books on communication skills focus only on skills. This book will connect all of the content through Exec|Comm's overarching philosophy: We are all more effective communicators, and therefore more effective professionals, when we focus less on ourselves and more on other people. After an introduction of a basic Exec|Comm "philosophy" about how to communicate better, the book will be divided into three main sections: Self-Empowerment, Skills and Situations, and include chapters on Understanding Your Personal Communication Style (Self-Empowerment), Building Your Reputation as a Listener (Skills), and Delivering Formal Presentations and Speeches (Situations)"--

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