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Terrence Malick: Rehearsing the Unexpected

door Carlo Hintermann

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5Geen3,046,135 (4)Geen
Terrence Malick's debut film,Badlands, announced the arrival of a unique talent. In the 40 years since that debut, Malick has only made five films, but they are distinctive in their beauty. This book is not meant to be a biography of Terrence Malick. The purpose behind the book is to introduce readers to the extraordinary universe of his film-making and to aid them in understanding his work. And to do this through the words of his closest collaborators -- cinematographers, set designers, costumers, cameramen, directors, producers, and actors such as Sean Penn, Martin Sheen, Sissy Spacek and Jessica Chastain. As their words flow from one to another, they form a fascinating,kaleidoscopic vision of American film and specifically Malick's artistic world. who make up a film. This book is the fruit of a journey began years ago when Luciano Baracaroli, Carlo Hintermann, Gerardo Panichi and Daniele Villa made a documentary on the work of Terrence Malick, which led to the making of this book as well.… (meer)
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Terrence Malick's debut film,Badlands, announced the arrival of a unique talent. In the 40 years since that debut, Malick has only made five films, but they are distinctive in their beauty. This book is not meant to be a biography of Terrence Malick. The purpose behind the book is to introduce readers to the extraordinary universe of his film-making and to aid them in understanding his work. And to do this through the words of his closest collaborators -- cinematographers, set designers, costumers, cameramen, directors, producers, and actors such as Sean Penn, Martin Sheen, Sissy Spacek and Jessica Chastain. As their words flow from one to another, they form a fascinating,kaleidoscopic vision of American film and specifically Malick's artistic world. who make up a film. This book is the fruit of a journey began years ago when Luciano Baracaroli, Carlo Hintermann, Gerardo Panichi and Daniele Villa made a documentary on the work of Terrence Malick, which led to the making of this book as well.

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