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Hillstrom's 2012 Preview

door Kevin Hillstrom

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In Hillstrom's 2012 Preview, Kevin Hillstrom cuts through the marketing hype that clouds how customers actually behave, focusing instead on concrete trends and behaviors that shape customer behavior in 2012 and beyond.The reader will learn about three important customer segments, Traditionals, Transitionals, and Transformationals, acquiring insight into the ways that customers interact across traditional marketing, online marketing, and mobile/social initiatives. The reader will be taught the importance of Merchandise Forensics, the study of how winning products and new products influence the future of a business. Finally, the reader will learn about the significant drain on company profitability that discounts and promotions cause.Information is presented to the reader in a "Monthly" format, allowing the reader to digest individual ideas, allowing the reader to strategically map out concepts for the upcoming year.The reader will be given a blueprint for thinking about how to study customer behavior in 2012 and beyond.… (meer)
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In Hillstrom's 2012 Preview, Kevin Hillstrom cuts through the marketing hype that clouds how customers actually behave, focusing instead on concrete trends and behaviors that shape customer behavior in 2012 and beyond.The reader will learn about three important customer segments, Traditionals, Transitionals, and Transformationals, acquiring insight into the ways that customers interact across traditional marketing, online marketing, and mobile/social initiatives. The reader will be taught the importance of Merchandise Forensics, the study of how winning products and new products influence the future of a business. Finally, the reader will learn about the significant drain on company profitability that discounts and promotions cause.Information is presented to the reader in a "Monthly" format, allowing the reader to digest individual ideas, allowing the reader to strategically map out concepts for the upcoming year.The reader will be given a blueprint for thinking about how to study customer behavior in 2012 and beyond.

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