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Shampoo Planet door Douglas Coupland
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Shampoo Planet (origineel 1992; editie 1992)

door Douglas Coupland

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2,272207,187 (3.34)19
Shampoo Planet is the rich and dazzling point where two worlds collide -- those of 1960s parents and their 1990s offspring, "Global Teens." Raised in a hippie commune, Tyler Johnson is an ambitious twenty-year-old Reagan youth, living in a decaying northwest city and aspiring to a career with the corporation whose offices his mother once firebombed. This six-month chronicle of Tyler's life takes us to Paris and the ongoing party beside Jim Morrison's grave, to a wild island in British Columbia, the freak-filled redwood forests of northern California, a cheesy Hollywood, ultra-modern Seattle, and finally back home. On the way we meet a constellation of characters, among them: Jasmine, Tyler's Woodstock mom; Dan, his land-developer stepfather; "Princess Stephanie," Tyler's European summer fling; and Anna Louise, his post-feminist girlfriend with an eating disorder. Tyler's dizzying journey into the contemporary psyche -- a voyage full of rock videos, toxic waste, french-fry computers, and clear-cut forests -- is a spellbinding signature novel for a generation coming of age as the millennium comes to a close.… (meer)
Titel:Shampoo Planet
Auteurs:Douglas Coupland
Info:Pocket Books (1992), Edition: 1ST, Hardcover, 304 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

Informatie over het werk

De shampoo planeet door Douglas Coupland (1992)

  1. 00
    Necklace of Kisses door Francesca Lia Block (heatherheartsbooks)
    heatherheartsbooks: Coupland writes with a lyrical and whimsical style and his character is the realist '90s Gen X twenty-something to FLB's '80s punk pixie Weetzie.
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1-5 van 20 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Once I finished rereading Generation X, I reread Shampoo Planet. I remembered being so disappointed with Douglas Coupland's sophomore effort, especially since I had acquired an autographed copy of the novel. I could not relate to the main character at all. Tyler is the complete opposite of Ethan in Generation X. He believes the path to happiness involves gathering all the comforts--the right hair care products, sleek, modern furniture and audio equipment, a sweet ride and a career with a multinational company based in Seattle. He's serious about his education in Hotel and Hospitality Management, not based on a passion and a desire to learn, but based on what consumer products he can gain as a working professional.
The novel follows Tyler's journey to a realization that happiness lies elsewhere, that happiness isn't about STUFF. But, to me, his character was so off-putting--so unrelatable--that I never particularly cared about his trajectory. ( )
  ltrahms | Jul 13, 2021 |
coupland does wonders with English. This one doesn't disappointed. There are some super sharp witty lines in the normal rollercoaster ride of his narratives. ( )
  rickycatto | Sep 9, 2020 |
I found it very difficult to relate to the protagonist of this, Coupland's second novel. He leaves his dying town in the desert region of Washington State for a summer of rail travel round Europe and cheats on his girlfriend. He returns to Terminaldeclineville (I fail to remember the name Coupland actually uses) and pretends nothing happened. He bemoans the lack of ambition of just about everybody but drops out of college.

When Coupland talks about the USA I recognise the place. In this book he describes a Europe I've never been to, despite living in Brussels.

Coupland writes in the first person most of the time but his unique imagery, ubiquitous in his novels, makes this character seem like a clone of one of his other characters that suffered a lot of gene damage and didn't come out as a Asperger's Syndrome experiencing computer geek border-line genius - instead as a hotel manager wannabe!

So the protagonist is dull, dim, immoral and drifting through life - then the French Girl arrives. She's so unpleasant even our protagonist doesn't deserve her, but she takes charge of his life, until an unbelievable ending resolves matters. (Think fairy God-mother.)

For me this book was a complete failure, which was unexpected - I've read five other Coupland novels and always got something worthwhile out of them. ( )
  Arbieroo | Jul 17, 2020 |
This was the fourth of his book that I've read. It was good, although as I find with some of his work it takes a few chapters to get into. His way of speaking in his books is a little...not pretentious, but something along those lines. But I do love his stuff, for his ideas about the world, society & the future. He's a very intelligent author, & I have two more of his books at home to read, & at least two which I've not yet bought. ( )
  SadieBabie | Jun 23, 2018 |
I couldn't connect to the characters in this book, and it does seem to be very much of it's time and maybe a little obsolete. It's still perfectly readable, but just not the best by one of my favourite authors. ( )
  Superenigmatix | Jan 16, 2016 |
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Wikipedia in het Engels (1)

Shampoo Planet is the rich and dazzling point where two worlds collide -- those of 1960s parents and their 1990s offspring, "Global Teens." Raised in a hippie commune, Tyler Johnson is an ambitious twenty-year-old Reagan youth, living in a decaying northwest city and aspiring to a career with the corporation whose offices his mother once firebombed. This six-month chronicle of Tyler's life takes us to Paris and the ongoing party beside Jim Morrison's grave, to a wild island in British Columbia, the freak-filled redwood forests of northern California, a cheesy Hollywood, ultra-modern Seattle, and finally back home. On the way we meet a constellation of characters, among them: Jasmine, Tyler's Woodstock mom; Dan, his land-developer stepfather; "Princess Stephanie," Tyler's European summer fling; and Anna Louise, his post-feminist girlfriend with an eating disorder. Tyler's dizzying journey into the contemporary psyche -- a voyage full of rock videos, toxic waste, french-fry computers, and clear-cut forests -- is a spellbinding signature novel for a generation coming of age as the millennium comes to a close.

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Gemiddelde: (3.34)
0.5 1
1 18
1.5 4
2 64
2.5 18
3 187
3.5 39
4 135
4.5 8
5 69

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