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Rogue of the High Seas

door Cynthia Breeding

Reeksen: Rogue (5)

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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Their desire is deep as the ocean...but treachery is rising like a deadly tide.

Rogue, Book 5

The first time Shauna MacLeod met American ship captain Robert Henderson, instant attraction brightened up an otherwise dreary Edinburgh winter. But his life was at sea.

Now Robert's back, a welcome distraction from her daily duties at the MacLeod dock office.

Tricked into a betrothal before he left New Orleans by a woman who then mysteriously disappeared, Robert knows he needs to keep his distance from Shauna, no matter how tempting the rising sexual tension between them.

Between Robert's past and Shauna's overprotective family, there's little opportunity to touch, let alone act on their desires. But when an old enemy of the McLeods in disguise worms his way into Shauna's good graces, she is abducted and thrown aboard a ship bound for the Barbary slave trade.

Robert, along with Shauna's brothers, race the four winds to find Shauna before she disappears into some sultan's harem and is lost to him forever.

Warning: Contains a bold American sea captain, and a spirited Scottish lass who'd like to swash his buckle—if only her suspicious brothers would leave her be. Best enjoyed with a tankard of ale and a sea chanty or two.

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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Their desire is deep as the ocean...but treachery is rising like a deadly tide.

Rogue, Book 5

The first time Shauna MacLeod met American ship captain Robert Henderson, instant attraction brightened up an otherwise dreary Edinburgh winter. But his life was at sea.

Now Robert's back, a welcome distraction from her daily duties at the MacLeod dock office.

Tricked into a betrothal before he left New Orleans by a woman who then mysteriously disappeared, Robert knows he needs to keep his distance from Shauna, no matter how tempting the rising sexual tension between them.

Between Robert's past and Shauna's overprotective family, there's little opportunity to touch, let alone act on their desires. But when an old enemy of the McLeods in disguise worms his way into Shauna's good graces, she is abducted and thrown aboard a ship bound for the Barbary slave trade.

Robert, along with Shauna's brothers, race the four winds to find Shauna before she disappears into some sultan's harem and is lost to him forever.

Warning: Contains a bold American sea captain, and a spirited Scottish lass who'd like to swash his buckle—if only her suspicious brothers would leave her be. Best enjoyed with a tankard of ale and a sea chanty or two.


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