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Three Kinds of Fool

door Matt Phillips

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For ex-con and pool cleaning man Jess Forsyth, life is a California rhythm of surf, work, tacos, and drink. He's gone straight, and he's happy with that...sort of. When he runs into an old pal, Jess finds himself taking money (and pride) from a well-heeled drug dealer. But things get twisted. On the journey that follows, Jess discovers you can't escape what you are, especially when there's cash for the taking. There are three kinds of fool in this life-the lost, the guilty, and the dead. But who the heck is who? Praise for THREE KINDS OF FOOL: "Reminiscent of Irvine Welsh's Crime but with that Southern Californian feel that only sex, guns, drugs, murder and surfboards can bring to the party..." -Grant Nicol, author of A Place To Bury Strangers "Three Kinds of Fool starts off with a bang and never lets up." -Craig Faustus Buck, author of Go Down Hard "Jess has gotten himself neck deep in some serious sh*t...I quite enjoyed Three Kinds of Fool." -David Nemeth at " Phillips] paints sharp, cutting scenes...He peppers the action with tight quips, imagining a very true world through a very discerning set of eyes." -Tim Learn, author of the Chewy Noh series… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorChayaLovesToRead
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For ex-con and pool cleaning man Jess Forsyth, life is a California rhythm of surf, work, tacos, and drink. He's gone straight, and he's happy with that...sort of. When he runs into an old pal, Jess finds himself taking money (and pride) from a well-heeled drug dealer. But things get twisted. On the journey that follows, Jess discovers you can't escape what you are, especially when there's cash for the taking. There are three kinds of fool in this life-the lost, the guilty, and the dead. But who the heck is who? Praise for THREE KINDS OF FOOL: "Reminiscent of Irvine Welsh's Crime but with that Southern Californian feel that only sex, guns, drugs, murder and surfboards can bring to the party..." -Grant Nicol, author of A Place To Bury Strangers "Three Kinds of Fool starts off with a bang and never lets up." -Craig Faustus Buck, author of Go Down Hard "Jess has gotten himself neck deep in some serious sh*t...I quite enjoyed Three Kinds of Fool." -David Nemeth at " Phillips] paints sharp, cutting scenes...He peppers the action with tight quips, imagining a very true world through a very discerning set of eyes." -Tim Learn, author of the Chewy Noh series

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