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The Sydney Morning Herald Good Food Guide…
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The Sydney Morning Herald Good Food Guide 2007

door Simon Thomsen

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For more than two decades, The Sydney Morning Herald Good Food Guidehas offered the inside information on the best, most interesting, and most innovative places to dine in Sydney, across regional New South Wales and around the nation. Every year, the Guide visits and rates more than 700 restaurants, cafes and bars. Only the best make the cut and feature in the Good Food Guide, the state's foodie bible. In the expanded 2007 edition, editors Simon Thomsen and Catherine Keenan, along with a team of experienced reviewers, have given a score out of 20 to around 300 Sydney restaurants, plus more than 100 regional restaurants. The Good Food Guide also lists the best bars, cafes and provedores, and the reviewing team set down their impressions with an entertaining mix of flair and insight that gets mouths watering and tummies rumbling. This year, the Guide also assesses restaurants for their child friendliness.… (meer)
Titel:The Sydney Morning Herald Good Food Guide 2007
Auteurs:Simon Thomsen
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Sydney Morning Herald Good Food Guide 2007 door Simon Thomsen

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For more than two decades, The Sydney Morning Herald Good Food Guidehas offered the inside information on the best, most interesting, and most innovative places to dine in Sydney, across regional New South Wales and around the nation. Every year, the Guide visits and rates more than 700 restaurants, cafes and bars. Only the best make the cut and feature in the Good Food Guide, the state's foodie bible. In the expanded 2007 edition, editors Simon Thomsen and Catherine Keenan, along with a team of experienced reviewers, have given a score out of 20 to around 300 Sydney restaurants, plus more than 100 regional restaurants. The Good Food Guide also lists the best bars, cafes and provedores, and the reviewing team set down their impressions with an entertaining mix of flair and insight that gets mouths watering and tummies rumbling. This year, the Guide also assesses restaurants for their child friendliness.

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