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How Raven Brought Light to People door Ann…
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How Raven Brought Light to People (editie 1992)

door Ann Dixon (Auteur), James Watts (Illustrator)

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466568,633 (4.22)Geen
Raven gives the sun, the moon, and the stars to the people of the world by tricking the great chief who is hoarding them in three boxes.
Titel:How Raven Brought Light to People
Auteurs:Ann Dixon (Auteur)
Andere auteurs:James Watts (Illustrator)
Info:Atheneum (1992), 30 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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How Raven Brought Light to People door Ann Dixon

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-Folktale Picture Book Cultural, Origin Story
-Retold by Dixon, Ann. How Raven Brought Light to People. Illus by James Watts. M.K. McElderry Books, 1992, Unp, Everybody Book

-Follow Raven in this fascinating and culturally enriching story that features colorful, eye-catching illustrations along his journey and transformation of self and the earth. The trickster, Raven, finds a way to get what he wants from Chief in this simple narrative-style origin story of the Southeast Alaskan Tlingits.

-Keywords: Tlingit, Southeast Alaska, Raven, Bentwood box, Smoke-hole ( )
  Dhamilton8 | Jun 1, 2024 |
How Raven Brought Light to People is a mischievous story about a raven who tricks a great chief into giving him the sun, moon, and stars by turning himself into a pine needle and then a baby born to the chief’s daughter. It also explains why ravens are black. The story is playful and traditional and the illustrations support this through color and supporting details. This is a great story to include in place-based literacy in the classroom.
Alaskan Connections: raven, Alaskan Native culture, nature
Activity: invite elders to come to the classroom to tell this story, explore the science of the moon, sun, and stars ( )
  devynreece | Feb 10, 2023 |
In this folktale, darkness covers the earth until the trickster Raven finds a way to open three boxes containing the sun, moon, and stars which belong to a great chief. Detailed colored pencil drawings lend to the authenticity of this book. ( )
  kat.lien | Jul 2, 2021 |
How the raven brought light to the Earth and the southeastern Tlingit community of Alaska. He uses trickery to tricks the great chief who holds the sun, moon and stars by posing as a baby and later reveals the box by flying it to the skies to set the sun free. ( )
  JessieIrwin9092 | May 21, 2019 |
Fiction: Picture Book
Dixon, Ann How Raven Brought Light to People. Illust. by James Watt. Macmillan, 1992. Unp. Primary/Intermediate
Raven tricks a great chief who holds the sun, moon, and stars captive by pretending to be a baby in this charming adaptation of a Tlingit legend. Lovely, detailed pictures accompany the narrative, flowing text with authentic Tlingit clothing and housing styles of centuries past. Theme is sharing.
AK: Tlingit culture, Raven
Activity: Ask children what they think of Raven and what he did. ( )
  LoriOrtega | Jun 1, 2015 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Ann Dixonprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Watts, JamesIllustratorSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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Raven gives the sun, the moon, and the stars to the people of the world by tricking the great chief who is hoarding them in three boxes.

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