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The Forever Court (Knights of the Borrowed…
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The Forever Court (Knights of the Borrowed Dark, Book 2) (editie 2017)

door Dave Rudden (Auteur)

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523510,826 (3.8)Geen
Fantasy. Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:A young knight must fulfill his destiny in this second book in a trilogy perfect for fans of Ranger’s Apprentice.
The door between our world and the world of the dark has been blasted open. Now the Knights must face the court of the Endless King. Denizen finally feels like a true Knight, and the court has requested a meeting to thank him for saving the King’s daughter. It’s either an honor . . . or a trap.
When the Knights encounter the members of the Forever Court, the meeting almost immediately dissolves into a battle. And that’s not the worst of it. There is another order of people who can communicate with the monsters of the dark. A family who worship the dark. And they will stop at nothing to bring the shadows back to power.
… (meer)
Titel:The Forever Court (Knights of the Borrowed Dark, Book 2)
Auteurs:Dave Rudden (Auteur)
Info:Random House Books for Young Readers (2017), 432 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Forever Court (Knights of the Borrowed Dark Book 2) door Dave Rudden

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I'll say this now, the book in itself is quite entreating to read and have fun reading it. No doubt about it the action and detailed story following each character and their emotions as it plays through out the novel.
However, commenting on my thoughts on why I don't like certain parts about this novel is simply the anger I get from a certain character. That character is Vivian hardwick. Now while I do appreciate he backstory and as well her characterization, but she just seems like this petty, selfish person who could care less about other peoples lives in the end, and believe that if your a knight your going to die, and refuses to care about their lives.
Dave Rudden, later on tries to ease the hatred from the reader to the character Vivian hardwick, but ultimately it failed for me. I just hate the character with all my living being, and in hopes she dies later on in the book. ( )
  Coleman05 | Feb 2, 2022 |
Denizen is trying to get used to having a mother, their relationship is fraught, neither of them know how to deal with each other. Denizen is also having to deal with the aftereffects of his last adventures. The new powers that he has and the relationship he has with Mercy, the daughter of the Endless King, knowing that all the people around him think that he should probably try to work out a way to kill her. Then the Endless King wants to treat with the Knights of the Borrowed Dark. Meanwhile another enemy lurks around the corner and things will never be the same again.

It's interesting and intriguing and I love how the characters are developing and being interesting. A lot of the choices aren't good but you can see the characters trying for least worst.

Looking forward to more. ( )
  wyvernfriend | Sep 21, 2019 |
Before I start my review I feel I should be honest. I’m from an Irish family who still carries on the traditions of our culture and beliefs including most of its mythology. I’m admittedly biased and harder on Irish authors or books that purport to base their stories in Ireland and/or its culture. My genetics are soaked in DNA from a land that gives new meaning to the word ‘storyteller’ as we have a rich history of Bards and the people carrying on our legends through oral and written traditions.

When the chance to review Dave Rudden’s books came up I had to jump at the chance. He’s been very active in the Arts scene in Ireland for quite some time, he’s created a huge online presence teaching about the background in Irish culture for his books and this series is based in Ireland.
After reading his two books, I was very pleased to discover that his award winning reputation was well deserved as his work has shown a true talent not only for writing but for showcasing why the Irish are so well known for their excellent fantasies and storytelling.

I don’t normally review 2 books at once but I made an exception for Rudden’s work because along with his books he’s created an amazingly thorough and imaginative continuation of his story online at his website where you can read more behind his mythology and deleted chapters. The amount of effort, research and detail he has put into creating this amazing world with a vibrant history is astounding and akin to what J.K. Rowling has done for wizards. Unlike that type of literature, Rudden has chosen a more unique villain making his plot line unpredictable and attention grabbing.

Rudden has a wonderful writing style that creates images your mind’s eye will see exploding across your vision as his realistic dialogue and setting will fill in the details. I loved how he doesn’t overly describe his characters so every reader has a chance to be a part of the story by using their own imaginations to decide how the characters look, sound and act; influencing how you invest in the story.

The first book, Knights of the Borrowed Dark, defines the genre for children’s fantasy literature but it’s so good adults will find themselves pulled into Rudden’s version of Dublin. He’s created complex characters, both the good and the evil that will bring your childhood nightmares out into the light. Denizen is the kind of kid I felt myself wanting to hug and protect one minute then wanting to be proud of his strength and courage the next.

The second book, The Forever Court, continues to show Rudden’s adept ability to showcase that strong talent for storytelling so prevalent in the Irish culture. You’re treated to a further tour of Dublin through the eyes of a local, as Denizen learns to shoulder his newfound responsibilities in protecting our powerful city. Court has these great action scene which engage the senses and makes you want to ignore the world around you so you can dive full in. Unlike his first book, Court ends much more on an exciting cliffhanger that will leave you stalking Rudden until you know when the third book is released

I adore Rudden’s work as his dialogue and sentence structure sound like lyrical prose whose adventure, suspense and skin crawling fears will quickly become addictive.

Here’s hoping I can hold out until the conclusion is released! ( )
  ttsheehan | Apr 4, 2017 |
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Dave Ruddenprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Beyit, KeremArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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Fantasy. Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:A young knight must fulfill his destiny in this second book in a trilogy perfect for fans of Ranger’s Apprentice.
The door between our world and the world of the dark has been blasted open. Now the Knights must face the court of the Endless King. Denizen finally feels like a true Knight, and the court has requested a meeting to thank him for saving the King’s daughter. It’s either an honor . . . or a trap.
When the Knights encounter the members of the Forever Court, the meeting almost immediately dissolves into a battle. And that’s not the worst of it. There is another order of people who can communicate with the monsters of the dark. A family who worship the dark. And they will stop at nothing to bring the shadows back to power.

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