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Neuassyrische Glyptik des 8.-7. Jh. v. Chr. : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Siegelungen auf Tafeln und Tonverschlüssen

door Suzanne Herbordt

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This volume is an exhaustive analysis of the stamp and cylinder seal impressions found on legal documents and clay tags from Nineveh, Calah, and Assur in the collections of the British Museum. Every single aspect of the object of study (types of seals and sealed documents, seal themes and motifs, depicted gods, symbols, rites, etc.) is systematically and meticulously covered, making the book an indispensable research tool for specialists in Assyrian and ancient Near Eastern art, iconography, religion, and related subjects. The book concludes with drawings and photographs of the seal impressions in the British Museum and a catalogue of Neo-Assyrian seal impressions from various cities of the Assyrian Empire.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorANEMICH
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This volume is an exhaustive analysis of the stamp and cylinder seal impressions found on legal documents and clay tags from Nineveh, Calah, and Assur in the collections of the British Museum. Every single aspect of the object of study (types of seals and sealed documents, seal themes and motifs, depicted gods, symbols, rites, etc.) is systematically and meticulously covered, making the book an indispensable research tool for specialists in Assyrian and ancient Near Eastern art, iconography, religion, and related subjects. The book concludes with drawings and photographs of the seal impressions in the British Museum and a catalogue of Neo-Assyrian seal impressions from various cities of the Assyrian Empire.

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