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Formula 1: Pictures With a Message

door Hartmut Lehbrink

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'Formula 1' is a tribute to the work of the extremely talented Grand Prix photographer Miquel Liso. The Spaniard's pictures tell enigmatic stories, employing unusual perspectives and contrasts, bringing each spectacular image to life. Liso's apparent gift of being in the right place at the right time has resulted in some truly evocative photographs which highlight the spirit needed to race in the Grand Prix. The state of the art machines and their drivers have been captured in this stunning and unique collection, celebrating the most popular motor sport in the world. AUTHOR: Hartmut Lehbrink is a Formula 1 journalist and published author of over thirty-seven books. SELLING POINTS: An exhilarating collection of photographs that perfectly capture the essence of the world's most celebrated motor race; transports you to the side of the track, you can feel the speed on every page! 98 colour illustrations… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorIndigoMayfair
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'Formula 1' is a tribute to the work of the extremely talented Grand Prix photographer Miquel Liso. The Spaniard's pictures tell enigmatic stories, employing unusual perspectives and contrasts, bringing each spectacular image to life. Liso's apparent gift of being in the right place at the right time has resulted in some truly evocative photographs which highlight the spirit needed to race in the Grand Prix. The state of the art machines and their drivers have been captured in this stunning and unique collection, celebrating the most popular motor sport in the world. AUTHOR: Hartmut Lehbrink is a Formula 1 journalist and published author of over thirty-seven books. SELLING POINTS: An exhilarating collection of photographs that perfectly capture the essence of the world's most celebrated motor race; transports you to the side of the track, you can feel the speed on every page! 98 colour illustrations

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