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The Elusive Pimpernel (Dover Value Editions)…
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The Elusive Pimpernel (Dover Value Editions) (origineel 1908; editie 2007)

door Baroness Orczy

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3961166,518 (3.65)33
It’s the early days of the French Republic, and Robespierre’s revolutionaries find their wicked schemes repeatedly thwarted by the cunning and heroic Pimpernel—in reality, Sir Percival Blakeney. Now, Monsieur Chauvelin devises a dastardly plot to annihilate both Sir Percy and his beautiful wife Marguerite once and for all. Lured to France, where the entire town of Boulogne is being held hostage on their behalf, they seem to be hopelessly trapped. Set during the Reign of Terror, the rousing Pimpernel stories are precursors to such classic tales as Zorro—yet another hero in disguise. Expect more swashbuckling adventures in this thrilling sequel to The Scarlet Pimpernel.A Blackstone Audio production.… (meer)
Titel:The Elusive Pimpernel (Dover Value Editions)
Auteurs:Baroness Orczy
Info:Dover Publications (2007), Paperback, 272 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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De onvindbare Pimpernel door Baroness Orczy (1908)

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The horrors of the French Revolution are in full swing and when the Pimpernel travels back to France for a duel, his wife follows, and they face their arch enemy. ( )
  LindaLeeJacobs | Feb 15, 2020 |
Le Mouron rouge, dont l’identité n’est plus un secret pour personne, est provoqué en duel sur les terres de France, où il est l’ennemi public numéro un. Et, n’apprenant rien de ses erreurs passées, sa douce et tendre moitié se jette à nouveau dans la gueule du loup pour rendre les choses encore plus difficiles, encore une écervelée de femme à qui il est impossible de mettre ne serait-ce qu’un peu de plomb dans la tête…
Le livre se lit facilement, une fois de plus, c’est amusant de voir à quel point la Baronne Orczy n’a aucun scrupule à mêler des personnages historiques à son œuvre de fiction, allant même jusqu’à convoquer le sanguinaire Robespierre. Donc oui, le livre se lit bien, il est plaisant, mais on a un peu l’impression d’une resucée du premier tome et c’est donc un peu décevant, d’autant que, et je n’ai pas dévoiler la fin que de dire cela, la façon dont le Mouron rouge s’échappe ressemble plus à une pirouette d’auteur qu’à un véritable scénario de livre de capes et d’épées.
Je suis un peu déçue donc, mais parce que j’ai été habituée à mieux. Je ne m’arrêterai donc pas en chemin pour autant, espérant retrouver une veine plus inspirée de l’auteure dans les prochains tomes. (Avouerai-je que le tome suivant est d’ailleurs déjà sur ma table de chevet…).
  raton-liseur | Feb 19, 2019 |
Just awful. Magnifies all the weaknesses of The Scarlet Pimpernel, to the point where the sequel has made me like the first book less than I did originally. The plot here is flimsy at best, the histrionics are neverending, and the aristocracy-worship is seriously out of hand.

The sad thing is that there's an interesting conflict buried deep beneath the swooning fits, between Percy's love of adventure and his love for Marguerite/her desire to keep him safe at home. But it isn't addressed in a meaningful way--it's just a reason for Percy to demonstrate his superhuman willpower and for Marguerite to cry and angst and pass out. I've never encountered a character who spends more time unconscious than Marguerite St. Just Blakeney.

Also, can we discuss that "cleverest woman in Europe" appellation? Who came up with that one? Because she is dumber than a doornail. As usual, Marguerite rushes blindly into every waiting trap and gets caught by Chauvelin in about two seconds. Heroine fail!

Finally, the relationship between Percy and Marguerite essentially sucks. Orczy wants us to believe in this deep, earth-shaking love between them, but we never see them share anything about their true selves with one another. They are the worst communicators ever, keeping all their plans and feelings secret, to the point where they endanger each other's lives. So does their bond really go deeper than the fact that she's gorgeous, and he's rich and handsome and fashionable, and they make an attractive power couple in London society?

...Am I overthinking this one? ( )
  thatotter | Feb 4, 2014 |
Pleasant fun, as all in the series. Like the others, it is a bit slow to get going. The ending could have stood to be a bit cleverer too; I had some cute ideas myself, but then, practically, simplest is always safest. ( )
  zeborah | Jun 5, 2013 |
whereas the scarlet pimpernal is an amusing enough read that one can easily overlook the anti-revolution sentiments, Orczy's anti-revolution vitriol really comes out in this book. it's really interesting to compare Orczy's obvious horror of the players in the french revolution, whom she paints as caricatures of evil, so closely after having spent many weeks with marge piercy's descriptions of them as more complex human beings in [b:City of Darkness, City of Light|862108|City of Darkness, City of Light|Marge Piercy||1230592]. ( )
  VikkiLaw | Apr 4, 2013 |
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Baroness Orczyprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Gheijn, Ed. van den, jr.VertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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There was not even a reaction.

On! ever on! In that wild, surging torrent; sowing the wind of anarchy, of terrorism, of lust of blood and hate, and reaping a hurricane of destruction and of horror.
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"Sir Percy," retorted Chauvelin firmly, "since you will not offer Mademoiselle Candeille the apology which she has the right to expect from you, are you prepared that you and I should cross swords like two honourable gentlemen?"
Blakeney laughed his usual pleasant, somewhat shy laugh, shook his powerful frame, and looked from his altitude of six foot three inches down on the small sable-clad figure of ex-Ambassador Chauvelin.
"The question is, sir," he said slowly, "should we then be two honourable gentlemen crossing swords?"
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It’s the early days of the French Republic, and Robespierre’s revolutionaries find their wicked schemes repeatedly thwarted by the cunning and heroic Pimpernel—in reality, Sir Percival Blakeney. Now, Monsieur Chauvelin devises a dastardly plot to annihilate both Sir Percy and his beautiful wife Marguerite once and for all. Lured to France, where the entire town of Boulogne is being held hostage on their behalf, they seem to be hopelessly trapped. Set during the Reign of Terror, the rousing Pimpernel stories are precursors to such classic tales as Zorro—yet another hero in disguise. Expect more swashbuckling adventures in this thrilling sequel to The Scarlet Pimpernel.A Blackstone Audio production.

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