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Sick Fux

door Tillie Cole

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2486111,817 (3.72)Geen
When Ellis Earnshaw and Heathan James met as children, they couldn't have been more different. Ellis was loud and beautiful - all blond hair, bright laughs and smiles. Heathan was dark and brooding, and obsessed with watching things die.The pair forged an unlikely friendship, unique and strange. Until they were ripped apart by the sick cruelty of others, separated for years, both locked in a perpetual hell.Eleven years later, Heathan is back for his girl. Back from a place from which he thought there was no return. Back to seek revenge on those who wronged them.Time has made Heathan's soul darker, polluted with hatred and the thirst for blood.Time has made Ellis a shell of her former self, a little girl lost in the vastness of her pain.As Heathan pulls Ellis out of her mental prison, reviving the essence of who she once was, down the rabbit hole they will go.With malice in their hearts and vengeance in their veins, they will seek out the ones who hurt and destroyed them.One at a time.Each one more deadly than the last.Tick Tock.Dark Contemporary Romance. Contains explicit sexual situations, violence, disturbingly sensitive and taboo subjects, offensive language and very mature topics. Recommended for ages 18 and over.… (meer)
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1-5 van 6 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Liked the killing scenes, the rest not so much. Too much toxicity and weird power play and always the doubt if there really was consent just because of the state of mind Ellis was in during the whole book.

Also another thing that rubbed me the wrong way, if we go by the amount of blood they were licking from each other, each of the would have hurled more than once ... I know, I know don't put too much logic into romance novels but still, this bugged me.

Two and half is actually too little, 2 3/4 would be more apt. ( )
  Black-Lilly | Feb 29, 2024 |
Loved this book! Was a perfect standalone that I read straight through.
It was a great change up from the usual "New Adult Dark Romance" out there.

Because I enjoyed this book so much, I have started looking at Tille Cole as one of my "Authors to Stalk" which means I keep track of all the new books and make plans to read them.

( )
  Library_Breeder | Apr 28, 2023 |
Dark, taboo topic, twisted, love story ( )
  Adsila | Dec 5, 2022 |
4/5 stars - horror movie come to life, I must say, which I enjoyed a LOT. Given the classification of this book you expect it to be dark. It was no more dark than most of the books that I read, however, the way it reads is awesome and the progression of the story is great. The characters are great Heathan and Ellis are wonderfully written and their stories are told and end in such an awesome way.

The only problem I had with this book - the reason that it gets 4/5 stars from me instead of 5 whole stars .. Ellis is uneducated, she has literally no reading/writing education at all except what Heathan teaches her which is very little, but yet through the book her speech patterns get more complicated. I get that she picks things up - but living for est. 8 years as a zombie she would have picked up nothing, basically stuck as a uneducated teen, and her tea party speech (in my opinion) was far beyond her comprehension irritated me to no end.....

Other than that .....amazing amazing read

( )
  ashezbookz | Oct 20, 2020 |
I don't even know what to say

Wow. This book gave me all the feels. I'm not even sure I know what to say about it. It's a heckuva journey, and I'm glad that I got to take it with Dolly and Rabbit. ( )
  tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
1-5 van 6 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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When Ellis Earnshaw and Heathan James met as children, they couldn't have been more different. Ellis was loud and beautiful - all blond hair, bright laughs and smiles. Heathan was dark and brooding, and obsessed with watching things die.The pair forged an unlikely friendship, unique and strange. Until they were ripped apart by the sick cruelty of others, separated for years, both locked in a perpetual hell.Eleven years later, Heathan is back for his girl. Back from a place from which he thought there was no return. Back to seek revenge on those who wronged them.Time has made Heathan's soul darker, polluted with hatred and the thirst for blood.Time has made Ellis a shell of her former self, a little girl lost in the vastness of her pain.As Heathan pulls Ellis out of her mental prison, reviving the essence of who she once was, down the rabbit hole they will go.With malice in their hearts and vengeance in their veins, they will seek out the ones who hurt and destroyed them.One at a time.Each one more deadly than the last.Tick Tock.Dark Contemporary Romance. Contains explicit sexual situations, violence, disturbingly sensitive and taboo subjects, offensive language and very mature topics. Recommended for ages 18 and over.

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