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Criminal Justice Internships Theory Into Practice

door R. Bruce McBride

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Criminal Justice Internships: Theory Into Practice, 8th Edition, guides the student, instructor, and internship site supervisor through the entire internship process, offering advice and information for use at the internship site as well as pre-planning and assessment activities. With more and more students engaging in internships as a means of enhancing their credentials, the internship has become a defining educational moment. Students learn basics such as choosing an internship site at either a public agency or a private firm, résumé writing techniques, effective use of social networks, interviewing skills, and the importance of setting and developing goals and assessing progress. It also serves as a reference tool for professors and supervisory personnel who assist and supervise the student during the experience. Key Features Addresses the needs of students, administrators, and criminal justice internship supervisors in one resource. Chapters end with practical exercises, such as: preparing for your internship; thinking about your internship placement; planning your internship; your role as an intern; political, economic, and legal factors at your site; assessing your internship. Covers online presence concerns to help students succeed in the age of social media, including protecting one's reputation and using LinkedIn effectively. Includes sample résumés and cover letters. Maintains an important focus on ethics in the workplace through all phases of the internship experience. Outstanding suite of ancillaries, including links to internship sites, Ethics-in-Practice Scenarios and Forms and Resources for students, and Instructor's Notes, Sample Syllabi, midterm questions, links to internship sites, and PowerPoint Lecture slides for instructors.… (meer)
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Criminal Justice Internships: Theory Into Practice, 8th Edition, guides the student, instructor, and internship site supervisor through the entire internship process, offering advice and information for use at the internship site as well as pre-planning and assessment activities. With more and more students engaging in internships as a means of enhancing their credentials, the internship has become a defining educational moment. Students learn basics such as choosing an internship site at either a public agency or a private firm, résumé writing techniques, effective use of social networks, interviewing skills, and the importance of setting and developing goals and assessing progress. It also serves as a reference tool for professors and supervisory personnel who assist and supervise the student during the experience. Key Features Addresses the needs of students, administrators, and criminal justice internship supervisors in one resource. Chapters end with practical exercises, such as: preparing for your internship; thinking about your internship placement; planning your internship; your role as an intern; political, economic, and legal factors at your site; assessing your internship. Covers online presence concerns to help students succeed in the age of social media, including protecting one's reputation and using LinkedIn effectively. Includes sample résumés and cover letters. Maintains an important focus on ethics in the workplace through all phases of the internship experience. Outstanding suite of ancillaries, including links to internship sites, Ethics-in-Practice Scenarios and Forms and Resources for students, and Instructor's Notes, Sample Syllabi, midterm questions, links to internship sites, and PowerPoint Lecture slides for instructors.

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